Concerns arise over Angola’s economic influence on Portuguese media

This article is more than 11 years old

Recent articles in Portugal

PSP police vehicles in Lisbon, Portugal, 31 August 2013, Max Bashyrov/Flickr, Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Portugal: Police surveil four journalists without judicial authorisation

“The monitoring of private communications and bank data from journalists is unprecedented and represents a gross violation of journalists’ rights to source confidentiality and professional secrecy, which are protected under both the Portuguese Constitution and international law”.

Link to: Police officer allegedly attacks photojournalist covering Lisbon strike

Police officer allegedly attacks photojournalist covering Lisbon strike

IPI called the attack on AFP photojournalist Patricia Melo “a chilling reminder of the dangers journalists face, even in Western democracy.”

Link to: Regional government’s actions targeting private newspaper threaten free expression, says WAN

Regional government’s actions targeting private newspaper threaten free expression, says WAN

WAN’s letter to President Aníbal Cavaco Silva expresses serious concern at the deliberate abuse of state funding of the press by the regional government of Madeira and the consequent distortion of the newspaper market. (WAN/IFEX) His Excellency Aníbal Cavaco Silva President of Portugal Lisbon, Portugal 23 April 2009 Your Excellency, We are writing on behalf […]