Articles by ARTICLE 19

Investigative journalist Kostas Vaxevanis talks to the press after being released from police custody, Demotix

Greek journalist’s arrest sparks press freedom concerns

Well-known investigative reporter Kostas Vaxevanis is facing trial over breach of privacy laws after he published a list of names of prominent Greek politicians and business leaders holding Swiss bank accounts.

Journalists Baboucarr Ceesay (left) and Abubacarr Saidykhan have had charges against them dropped., MFWA

Decision to drop charges against two Gambian journalists welcomed

MFWA welcomes the move by Gambian authorities to drop charges against two journalists for seeking permission to peacefully protest the execution of death row inmates, but calls for investigation into death threats against journalists.

Link to: Joint statement on journalist safety delivered to UNESCO

Joint statement on journalist safety delivered to UNESCO

More than 40 media organisations worldwide are demanding urgent action by governments, the UN, and the industry to stop violence against journalists and end impunity in attacks on the press.

Link to: Report on freedom of artistic expression in China

Report on freedom of artistic expression in China

UNESCO is urged to accept an ARTICLE 19 report outlining how China has failed to create an environment conducive for diverse cultural expressions.

Link to: Sri Lankan paper apologises for reporting death threat

Sri Lankan paper apologises for reporting death threat

In a shocking turn of events, The Sunday Leader has apologised in front of the Sri Lanka Press Council to the defence minister for reporting that he had threatened former editor Frederica Jansz with death – even though she recorded his call and the minister admitted to making it.

Link to: Contradictions in journalist’s murder investigation in Mexico

Contradictions in journalist’s murder investigation in Mexico

ARTICLE 19 is concerned over the contradictory information around the murder of Mexican journalist Abel López Aguilar and the fact that a link to his profession has been discounted so early in the investigation.

Tunisian media workers striking outside SNJT, Salma Mahfoudh/IMS

IFEX-TMG calls on Tunisia to guarantee media independence

IFEX-TMG supports media strike in Tunisia on 17 October to protest media appointments and the failure to guarantee media freedom in the draft Constitution.

Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (right) meets newly appointed Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon Saaid (left) in Mogadishu, Reuters

IFEX members call on new Somali government to protect journalists

Over 40 IFEX members worldwide call for the new President of Somalia to help combat impunity in the killing of journalists, revise media laws and uphold UN and African resolutions to help protect journalists.