Index on Censorship

Articles by Index on Censorship

Link to: Ukraine pages blocked on “Russian Facebook”

Ukraine pages blocked on “Russian Facebook”

Russian authorities have blocked access to 13 sites connected to ”Ukrainian nationalist organisations” on the social media site Vkontakte, Russia’s answer to Facebook.

In December 2013, Tunisian rapper Weld El 15 was sentenced to four months in prison for a song that criticised the police, Facebook/Weld El 15

Music Freedom Day: Five examples of how music was censored in 2013

On Music Freedom Day, IFEX recognises the free expression rights of musicians and looks back at five cases from the last year when people have tried to stop the music.

Link to: Burma: The art of transition

Burma: The art of transition

The March 2013 Art of Transition Symposium was the first public discussion of artist freedom of expression in Burma, looking in particular at the impact of the wave of political reforms, which started at the end of 2011, on artistic freedom of expression.

Link to: U.S. court orders Google to remove Innocence of Muslims film from YouTube

U.S. court orders Google to remove Innocence of Muslims film from YouTube

A U.S. court has ruled that Google should remove the Innocence of Muslims video from YouTube because of copyright. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed that an actress in the video may have a claim and further ordered that the ruling be kept secret until 26 February “to prevent a rush to copy and proliferate the film”.

Photos of Edward Snowden and U.S. President Barack Obama are printed on the front pages of local English and Chinese newspapers in Hong Kong, 11 June 2013, REUTERS/Bobby Yip

Escalating concerns about privacy lead to calls for increased UN action

A call for a UN mandate on privacy emerged from an expert seminar held in Geneva this week on “The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age”.

Students gather outside the court in Piraeus to protest police calling them to ask sensitive questions about their political beliefs and financial status., Nikolas Georgiou/Demotix

Greece: Police interrogation of students prompts protests

High school students were recently interrogated by police after having peacefully occupied Keratsini’s 2nd High School in October. Those taken in for questioning were asked about their own and their teachers’ political preferences, especially those who had been striking against public job cuts and forced transfers.

Link to: The silencing effect of televised confessions in China

The silencing effect of televised confessions in China

Suspects being made to “confess” to crimes live on air in China, is making even the most influential scared to speak out.

Link to: How to spot the difference between a terrorist and a journalist

How to spot the difference between a terrorist and a journalist

Authorities seem to have had trouble telling the difference between terrorists and journalists lately. Index offers a few handy tips to refer to the next time this quandary comes up.