Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Journalist threatened for investigating national director of magistrates’ academy

Journalist threatened for investigating national director of magistrates’ academy

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 10 July 2007, “El Búho” weekly newspaper journalist José Luis Márquez reported having been threatened by several people after he investigated the alleged falsification of the academic marks of the director of the country’s Academy of Magistrates (Academia Nacional de la Magistratura), Percy Chocano Núñez. The Academy of Magistrates is the body […]

Link to: Police hit journalists covering protest in Juliaca

Police hit journalists covering protest in Juliaca

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 4 July 2007, journalists Fidel Chaiña, of the newspaper “Los Andes”, and Paty Condori, of an Internet-based media outlet’s news programme, were hit by police officers when they were covering the teachers’ union strike at the Maravillas bridge in the city of Juliaca, capital of Puno region, in southeastern Peru. The police […]

Link to: Striking teachers threaten journalists in Huaraz, assault journalist in Lima, harass another in Andahuaylas

Striking teachers threaten journalists in Huaraz, assault journalist in Lima, harass another in Andahuaylas

(IPYS/IFEX) – There have been several new acts of aggression by striking teachers toward journalists in different parts of the country. On 26 June 2007, a group of members of the Peruvian Education Workers’ Union (Sindicato Unitario de Trabajadores de la Educación del Perú, SUTEP) in Huaraz, northwestern Peru, threatened to assault reporters in the […]

Link to: Journalist brutally assaulted while covering political event in Barranquilla

Journalist brutally assaulted while covering political event in Barranquilla

(FLIP/IPYS/IFEX) – On 4 July 2007, journalist Javier Manjarrés, director of Emisoras Unidas radio station’s news programme “Actualidad”, was assaulted by supporters of the political party Polo Democrático Alternativo (PDA) at the end of a press conference held by the party’s president, Carlos Gaviria Díaz. The incident took place at 11:00 a.m. (local time) at […]

Link to: Huaraz provincial official strikes radio journalist for critical question

Huaraz provincial official strikes radio journalist for critical question

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 22 June 2007, Radio Miramar radio station journalist Marcelo Sánchez Oliva was assaulted by Huaraz’s provincial councillor, Leonor Salazar, when he was attempting to interview her. According to Sánchez, Salazar struck him in the face when he asked her how she managed to be exempted from the obligation to pay for a […]

Link to: Four Ecuadorian reporters detained, expelled by military, their footage destroyed

Four Ecuadorian reporters detained, expelled by military, their footage destroyed

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 26 June 2007, four Ecuadorian reporters were detained and expelled from Colombia, charged with entering the country illegally and videotaping in forbidden areas. The journalists, of ECUAVISA TV station, were arrested by Colombian military personnel near a bridge that runs over the San Miguel river, which marks the border between the two […]

Link to: National Guard members prevent RCTV reporters from covering stadium inauguration

National Guard members prevent RCTV reporters from covering stadium inauguration

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 19 June 2007, RCTV television station journalist Yamile Jiménez and camera operator Jesús Molina were prevented by members of the National Guard (Guardia Nacional) from covering the inauguration of the Pueblo Nuevo Olympic Stadium in San Cristóbal, southern Venezuela. The guards allowed all other public and private media outlets to attend the […]

Link to: Political militants threaten to kill cameraman, damage his vehicle

Political militants threaten to kill cameraman, damage his vehicle

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 16 June 2007, a group of supporters of Venezuela’s United Socialist Party (Partido Socialista Unidos de Venezuela, PSUV) threatened freelance cameraman Marcelo Otárola with death and damaged his car as he was attempting to cover the collection of signatures calling for the removal from office of pro-government mayor Franklin Gonzáles, of the […]