Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Land grabbers shoot at journalists, wound community members protecting them

Land grabbers shoot at journalists, wound community members protecting them

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 28 June 2007, a group of land traffickers shot at several journalists in order to deter them from reporting on an unlawful invasion of agricultural lands in the community of San Julián, district of Motupe, in northwestern Peru. At the time of the attack, the reporters were being protected by several of […]

Link to: Exhibit of political cartoonist’s drawings censored by the National Institute for Culture

Exhibit of political cartoonist’s drawings censored by the National Institute for Culture

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 21 and 22 June 2007, officials of the National Institute for Culture (Instituto Nacional de Cultura, INC) ordered three of the ninety drawings of political cartoonist Piero Quijano’s exhibition, “Dibujos en Prensa/1990-2007”, to be withdrawn, according to declarations made to IPYS by Armando Williams, director of the José Carlos Mariátegui Museum, an […]

Link to: Columnist convicted of defamation for stating his opinion about a politician’s behaviour

Columnist convicted of defamation for stating his opinion about a politician’s behaviour

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 9 January 2007, Lima’s 41st Criminal Court found historian Nelson Manrique, a columnist for the newspaper “Perú 2″1, guilty of defaming Rafael Rey, current Minister for Production, who sued Manrique in November 2005 when he was a member of Congress. The tribunal ordered the historian to pay 3 thousand soles (approx. US$950) […]

Link to: CAPSULE REPORT: Threats, surveillance and restrictions undermine journalists trying to cover hearings on paramilitary crimes

CAPSULE REPORT: Threats, surveillance and restrictions undermine journalists trying to cover hearings on paramilitary crimes

(FLIP/IPYS/IFEX) – The following is an abridged 26 June 2007 special report by FLIP and IPYS: Special report: Journalists demand protective measures to allow them to safely cover the “Justice and Peace” process Journalists covering the criminal hearings near Medellín of the demobilised members of the paramilitary group Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) are working […]

Link to: Teachers assault radio journalist during protest in Huaraz

Teachers assault radio journalist during protest in Huaraz

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 20 June2007, Radio Huaraz Stereo radio station journalist Francisco Rodríguez Robles was assaulted by a group of teachers when he was covering their protest against the national government in Huaraz, capital of the Ancash region in northwestern Peru. The assailants belong to the Huaraz and Recuay chapter of Peru’s Education Workers’ Union […]

Link to: Llanovisión television station owner suspends news programme after coverage of RCTV case

Llanovisión television station owner suspends news programme after coverage of RCTV case

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 23 May 2007, regional UHF channel Llanovisión’s news programme, “La Entrevista de Hoy”, was suspended after it commented on the Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV) case. The programme was hosted by sociologist Laure Nicotra and was broadcast in the state of Barinas, southern Venezuela. Nicotra said that the measure was the result of […]

Link to: Photojournalist assaulted in Chimbote by members of construction workers’ union

Photojournalist assaulted in Chimbote by members of construction workers’ union

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 10 June 2007, a group of members of the Civil Construction Workers’ Union (Sindicato de Trabajadores de Construcción Civil) assaulted photographer Paul Meza Castañeda of Chimbote’s newspaper “La Industria”, when he was covering a union meeting. Chimbote is a port in northwestern Peru. The workers and their wives threw rocks and bricks […]

Link to: Regional government’s photographer and demonstrators assault, injure radio journalist in Loreto

Regional government’s photographer and demonstrators assault, injure radio journalist in Loreto

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 5 June 2007, journalist Antonio Freyre Pizango, of Radio Jabes radio station’s programme “Buenos Días Requena”, was assaulted by Loreto’s regional government’s video camera operator, Félix Da Silva, and a group of supporters of that same government’s president, Iván Vásquez, when he was covering a protest march organized in Requena, a town […]