Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Journalist receives ongoing death threats over reporting on drug-trafficking in Itapúa

Journalist receives ongoing death threats over reporting on drug-trafficking in Itapúa

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 14 May 2007, journalist Óscar Bogado, a correspondent for the newspaper “Última Hora”, revealed that he has been receiving death threats by telephone. The threats began in January 2006 and he is still receiving them. According to Bogado, each of the threats was made immediately after he published an article about drug […]

Link to: Interferencias constantes en señal de radio estatal cuando se transmite programas informativos y de opinión

Interferencias constantes en señal de radio estatal cuando se transmite programas informativos y de opinión

(IPYS/IFEX) – Desde marzo de 2007, la señal de la emisora estatal YVKE Mundial para Caracas ha sufrido interferencias. Se desconocen las causas; sin embargo, los problemas surgen cuando se transmiten los programas informativos y de opinión, según afirmó la directora del medio, Cristina González. La periodista indicó también que en la última semana la […]

Link to: Constant interference in state radio station’s broadcast signal during news and public affairs programmes

Constant interference in state radio station’s broadcast signal during news and public affairs programmes

(IPYS/IFEX) – Since March 2007, the signal of state-run radio station YVKE Mundial for Caracas has suffered from interference. The motives for this are unknown; the problems, however, begin when the station broadcasts news or public affairs programmes, according to the station’s director, Cristina Gonzáles. The journalist also stated that during the last week the […]

Link to: Journalist’s murder being planned after he escapes attack from demonstrators angered by his reporting

Journalist’s murder being planned after he escapes attack from demonstrators angered by his reporting

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 15 May 2007, journalist Danilo Bautista Hernández, director of Radio California’s news programme “El informativo del Mediodía”, saved himself from being attacked by demonstrators belonging to the Front for the Defence of Nueva Cajamarca’s Interests (Frente de Defensa de los Intereses del distrito de Nueva Cajamarca ) by taking refuge for two […]

Link to: Journalists mistreated by police, camera damaged, while covering football incident

Journalists mistreated by police, camera damaged, while covering football incident

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 8 May 2007, photographers Gil Montaño, of the newspaper “El Universal”, and David Urdaneta, of the newspaper “El Meridiano”, were assaulted by members of the military police as they attempted to cover an incident involving spectators of a football game being played at the Brigido Iriarte Stadium in central Caracas. The fans […]

Link to: “Integración” newspaper director threatened, facilities vandalised, after reporting on alleged corruption

“Integración” newspaper director threatened, facilities vandalised, after reporting on alleged corruption

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 8 May 2007, a group of unidentified individuals threw rocks and bottles against the facilities of “Integración”, a daily based in the city of Huaraz in Peru’s northwest. The attack damaged the building’s windows and doors. Ten minutes later, the newspaper’s director – journalist Alcides Peñarando Oropeza – received a telephone call […]

Link to: Journalists assaulted by police in Ambo, their video camera damaged

Journalists assaulted by police in Ambo, their video camera damaged

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 27 April 2007, eight police officers assaulted journalist Irwin Berríos, of Radio Súper FM radio station, and freelance cameraman Abraham Rolando Estela after being videotaped drinking alcohol in a bar in the city of Ambo, Huánuco region, in central Peru. The squad, composed of officers from the San Martín and Junín regional […]

Link to: Programme host fired from La Tele television station after participating in march supporting RCTV workers

Programme host fired from La Tele television station after participating in march supporting RCTV workers

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 4 May 2007, journalist Marietta Santana, host of the programme “Marietta Alerta” on La Tele television channel, reported that she had been fired for having participated in a 21 April march expressing support for the workers of Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV). Solidarity protests for RCTV have been organized since President Hugo Chávez […]