Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Graffiti supporting non-renewal of RCTV’s broadcasting license painted on station’s walls

Graffiti supporting non-renewal of RCTV’s broadcasting license painted on station’s walls

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 15 April 2007, followers of the revolutionary movement “Tupamaros”, from the 23 de Enero neighbourhood in western Caracas, painted messages supporting the non-renewal of Radio Caracas Televisión’s (RCTV) broadcasting frequency concession on the television station’s façade. The non-renewal of the station’s broadcasting concession was announced by President Hugo Chávez on 28 December […]

Link to: Police bring charges against one journalist in Chiclayo, beat another, allegedly in retaliation for critical reporting

Police bring charges against one journalist in Chiclayo, beat another, allegedly in retaliation for critical reporting

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 17 April 2007, Radio Digital radio station and Canal 12 television station journalist Paul Alvarado Huamán stated that police officers of the Cayalti police station had falsely charged him with the crime of “violence and resisting authority” after he reported critically on their work. Cayalti is in Chiclayo, a city in northwestern […]

Link to: Fine of Globovision suspended by court but equipment confiscated by media regulator not to be returned

Fine of Globovision suspended by court but equipment confiscated by media regulator not to be returned

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 7 March 2007, the Politico-Administrative bench of the Supreme Court of Justice (Sala Político Administrativa del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia) temporarily suspended a fine against television station “Globovisión” that had been imposed by the National Commission for Telecommunications (CONATEL) on 3 October 2003. It rejected, however, the restitution of seven of its […]

Link to: Journalist from state radio station beaten by student leader and union leader in Tarija

Journalist from state radio station beaten by student leader and union leader in Tarija

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 11 April 2007, journalist Mario Fernández, a correspondent for the state-owned radio station Red Patria Nueva of the city of Tarija, in southern Bolivia, was beaten by a student organisation leader and a union leader while he was interviewing a group of female peasants. The journalist identified two of his assailants: student […]

Link to: Journalist assaulted while covering strike in Chimbote

Journalist assaulted while covering strike in Chimbote

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 11 and 12 April 2007, journalist Augusto Riera was beaten and insulted by activists of the Civil Construction (Construcción Civil) union, while he was covering a protest called by the Front for the Defence of Santa Province (Frente de Defensa de la Provincia del Santa) and the Front for the Interests of […]

Link to: Journalist receives death threats after broadcast showing police firing on demonstrators in Chimbote

Journalist receives death threats after broadcast showing police firing on demonstrators in Chimbote

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 11 April 2007, journalist Sandor Renilla Horna, producer of Canal 31 television station’s programme “Punto 31”, received two death threats, moments after having broadcast video footage in which police are seen firing on a crowd of demonstrators from the Front for the Defence of Santa Province (Frente de Defensa de la Provincia […]

Link to: Minister ratifies non-renewal of broadcasting license for RCTV television station

Minister ratifies non-renewal of broadcasting license for RCTV television station

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 29 March 2007, information and telecommunications minister Jesse Chacón confirmed in a press conference that the broadcast concession of the private television station RCTV would not be renewed. The minister explained that the government, in its capacity as owner of broadcasting frequencies, decided it would reserve RCTV’s frequency, after the expiration of […]

Link to: Radio journalist convicted in Utcubamba of defamation, fined, given suspended sentence over broadcast on land dispute

Radio journalist convicted in Utcubamba of defamation, fined, given suspended sentence over broadcast on land dispute

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 27 March 2007, journalist José Flores Burgos, director of the public affairs programme “Sin Censura” on La Voz de Bagua Grande radio station, was convicted of defamation for having accused, on his programme, lawyer Roberto Montalvo Cuba of being connected to the usurping of a municipal plot of land for which the […]