29 April - 5 May 2022

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Press Freedom and Civic Space: You can’t have one without the other


Dear Reader,

As a subscriber to IFEX This Week, you know that the IFEX network defends press freedom. On 3 May, World Press Freedom Day, we came together with allies around the world to demand it.

What’s at stake? Civic space itself.

Whether physical or virtual, civic space is where our societies live and grow. It’s where we exercise our rights to freedom of association, expression, and peaceful assembly. We use civic space to solve problems and improve lives. It is the cornerstone of accountable, responsive democratic governance, and stable societies.

It belongs to all of us. We must protect it.

Thus, this year, we want to bring attention to the fundamental connection between press freedom and a thriving civic space.

It’s clear that a healthy and robust civic space relies on our ability to access and share accurate, timely information. That is impossible without press freedom.

Throughout May, we are delivering that message, loud and clear, in our Op Ed, as well as on our website and over Twitter - stay tuned!

We count you among our most important allies in this work. Each of you can help strengthen this campaign’s reach and impact by sharing these messages with your networks.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Rivera
IFEX Communications Director


International | Access to Information


News that’s fit to print


We need to value and support the critical work of journalists countering the mis- and disinformation flooding our communications channels, especially during crises, conflicts, and elections. The good news is that when the media and civil society work together, they create a better information climate – and a healthier civic space – for us all.