(IPYS/IFEX) – On 9 January 2007, Iris Varela, a National Assembly member belonging to the governing party, formally asked the National Assembly to urge the judiciary and the Ministry of the Attorney General (Ministerio Público) to launch criminal investigations against all media that, like Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV), have “conspired against the government”. The request […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 9 January 2007, Iris Varela, a National Assembly member belonging to the governing party, formally asked the National Assembly to urge the judiciary and the Ministry of the Attorney General (Ministerio Público) to launch criminal investigations against all media that, like Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV), have “conspired against the government”. The request was presented during the first ordinary session of the National Assembly of 2007.
The full Assembly also agreed to reject the declarations of José Miguel Insulza, secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), who stated on 5 January that the non-renewal of RCTV’s radioelectric concession (decreed by president Hugo Chávez in December 2006), would seem to be a form of censorship and that the government should review that decision.
IPYS states its concern about the Assembly members’ decision regarding Insulza’s statement, as it may promote censorship against the opposition press.