7 June - 13 June

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Mozambique | Access to Information


Assault on Mozambican journalists on upward trend


Concern is being raised over the escalating intimidation and violence against journalists, including arrests, assaults, and theft of equipment while reporting on events.


France | Genre et diversité sexuelle


Lettre au Comité International Olympique : Appel à l’annulation de toutes les interdictions imposées aux athlètes portant un couvre-chef sportif en France


Les interdictions imposées par les autorités sportives françaises sont discriminatoires et elles empêchent les athlètes musulmanes qui décident de porter un couvre-chef sportif d’exercer leur droit humain de pratiquer un sport sans avoir à subir quelque sorte de discrimination que ce soit.


International | Attaques


Lancement d’une coalition internationale pour exiger la libération immédiate de la lauréate du prix Nobel de la paix, Narges Mohammadi, en Iran


« La campagne ‘Libérez Narges’ ne concerne pas seulement la liberté d’une femme ; il s’agit d’un combat pour la dignité, les droits et l’avenir de tous les prisonniers politiques en Iran. »


Egypt | Attacks


Egypt: UN experts call on government to stop targeting and retaliating against human rights lawyers


Rights groups say the targeting of lawyers Mohamed Issa Rajeh and Mahmoud Abdelmajeed Adel represents intimidation and reprisal against their human rights work.


Australia | Access to Information


Australia: Creative and media workforce calls for laws to ‘stop AI theft’


Proposed legislation requiring the disclosure of any data used to train AI and enforcing the right for creators to consent to and be compensated.


Netherlands | Attacks


Netherlands: Three convicted of murdering journalist Peter R. de Vries


The Court convicted the two men who conducted the murder to 28 years in prison and the middleman – dubbed by the Prosecution as the ‘homicide broker’ – to 26 years.


Argentina | Attacks


Argentina: Milei’s first six months threaten freedom of expression and cultural rights


Since January 2024, at least 61 attacks against the Argentine press have been recorded.