06 October - 12 October

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Middle East & North Africa | Access to Information


Combating climate misinformation in MENA’s environmental crises


Special Issue: Naseem Tarawnah brings an access to information focus to his latest regional brief, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Niger | Accès à l'information


Niger : RSF dénonce la détention secrète de la journaliste Samira Sabou


« L’arrestation, sans charges, de cette journaliste de renom par des personnes en civil se présentant comme membres des forces de police est particulièrement inquiétante, deux mois après le coup d’État qu’a connu le Niger. »


Poland | Access to Information


Poland: RSF makes 15 press freedom recommendations ahead of elections


Drafted in cooperation with Polish experts and media, the recommendations are addressed to the future members of Parliament and Government.


Philippines | Attacks


Philippines: Statement calling for urgent attention to Percy Lapid’s murder case


A coalition of press freedom advocates in the Philippines demands justice for a murdered radio broadcaster.


Australia | Digital Rights


Australia: Media union condemns police demand for footage


MEAA warns that the police order could undermine the media’s obligation to protect sources.


United States | Censorship


Band of bestselling authors stand against book bans in Florida and in the rest of the United States


Author Michael Connelly spearheads drive to expand PEN America’s work combatting school censorship together with other 23 authors.


Mexico | Attacks


Journalist Jesús Gutiérrez shot dead in Mexican city near US border


CPJ: “With the brutal killing of Jesús Gutiérrez, Mexico continues its long and tragic streak as the Western Hemisphere’s deadliest country for journalists”