26 July - 1 Aug

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Americas | Access to Information


Civil society under strain: Venezuela’s election disputes and Canada’s ‘Online Harms Act’ debate


July in the Americas: A free expression and civic space round-up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Laura Vidal, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Asia & Pacific | Access to Information


Student protests, post-election reforms, impunity, and journalists on strike in Asia-Pacific


July 2024 in Asia-Pacific: A free expression round-up produced by IFEX’s regional editor Mong Palatino, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Afrique | Attaques


Une vague d’enlèvements de journalistes, le paradoxe du Rwanda et le contrôle des manifestations en Mauritanie


Juillet 2024 en Afrique : tour d’horizon de l’état de la liberté d’expression et de l’espace civique, réalisé à partir des rapports des membres de l’IFEX et des nouvelles de la région, par Reyhana Masters, rédactrice régionale de l’IFEX.


Europe et Asie centrale | Accès à l'information


Condamnations de personnalités de premier plan et manifestants sous pression


Juillet 2024 en Europe et en Asie centrale : tour d’horizon de la liberté d’expression et de l’espace civique réalisé par Cathal Sheerin, rédacteur régionale de l’IFEX, sur la base des rapports des membres de l’IFEX et des nouvelles de la région.


Middle East & North Africa | Attacks


The rising tide of repression ahead of MENA elections


July 2024 in MENA: A free expression and civic space round-up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Naseem Tarawnah, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


International | Access to Information


A turbulent start to a year of global elections


In the first half of 2024, incumbent leaders were more likely to lose elections in countries rated Free than those rated Partly Free, while autocrats went undefeated in largely pro forma elections held in their states.


Bangladesh | Access to Information


Freedom of expression curtailed as deadly student protests rock Bangladesh


For five days, the government imposed an internet blackout spurring misinformation and questions about the situation on the ground.