29 September - 05 October

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Americas | Access to Information


Expanding access to information and countering information deserts: The vital pulse of radio


Special Issue: Laura Vidal brings an access to information focus to her latest regional brief, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord | Accès à l'information


Comment les divisions linguistiques kurdes entravent l’accès à l’information


La rareté des ressources en ligne met en évidence le besoin urgent d’améliorer l’accessibilité de l’information.


Afrique | Accès à l'information


L’accès à l’information ne déplace peut-être pas des montagnes, mais il peut déjà déplacer les déchets


Numéro spécial : Reyhana Masters consacre sa dernière synthèse régionale à l’accès à l’information, à partir des rapports des membres de l’IFEX et des nouvelles de la région.


Asia & Pacific | Access to Information


Access to information, escape from China, revival of broadcast and resilient media voices


Special Issue: Mong Palatino brings an access to information focus to his latest regional brief, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Afghanistan | Access to Information


The Taliban’s 13 directives: Implications for media freedom and access to information in Afghanistan


Since August 2021, the Taliban has issued at least 13 directives, which contradicted former media laws.


Saudi Arabia | Access to Information


On fifth anniversary of Jamal Khashoggi murder, the Biden administration must prioritise human rights in Saudi Arabia


Rights groups call on the Biden administration to address the escalating crackdown on free expression.


International | Access to Information


Advances in artificial intelligence are amplifying a crisis for human rights online


A new Freedom House report notes that while innovations in AI contributed to the 13th consecutive year of global decline in internet freedom, older forms of digital repression continued to proliferate.