18 August - 24 August

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Nicaragua | Attacks


Nicaragua: 8-year sentence against journalist Víctor Ticay adds to list of human rights violations


Freedom of expression organisations demand the immediate release of the Ticay and the suspension of the recent constitutional reforms linked to the crime of « treason », which can be used against critics or opponents of the regime.


Bahrain | Attacks


Bahrain: Hundreds of political prisoners on hunger strike


Strike comes in response to harsh prison conditions, including medical negligence.


Nepal | Access to Information


Nepal’s UPR recommendations on freedom of expression and association


During the 3rd UPR Cycle, Nepal received 233 recommendations, accepted 196 recommendations, and noted 37 recommendations.


Russia | Attacks


Russia should release deported civic journalist Iryna Danylovych


Russian authorities deported to Russia a wrongfully imprisoned Ukrainian rights defender and civic journalist, Iryna Danylovych, and are denying her access to medical treatment in custody.


International | Access to Information


Proposed UN cybercrime treaty looks more like a global surveillance pact


« Broadly scoped, ambiguous, and nonspecific international cooperation measures with few conditions and safeguards are simply a recipe for disaster that can put basic privacy and free expression rights at risk » – EFF


Asia & Pacific | Attacks


A new platform monitoring press freedom in Southeast Asia


Global Voices interviewed Ika Ningtyas, Secretary-General of Indonesia’s Alliance of Independent Journalists, about the new initiative.


Mali | Access to Information


Free expression under threat in Mali


In a crackdown on critical voices Malian authorities sentence activist and social media influencer, Rokia Doumbia, also known as #Madame vie chère, to one year in prison.