05 May - 11 May

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Special Edition: IFEX members raise their voices on World Press Freedom Day

Many organisations in the IFEX network advocate for press freedom in both online and offline spaces year-round. In honour of World Press Freedom Day, members took part in various initiatives and activities to defend the rights of journalists, which are inextricably connected to people’s right to freedom of expression and information.

From imprisoned women journalists in Iran being awarded the 2023 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize for their work, to the release of IFEX member Mizzima’s freelance reporter Nyein Nyein Aye in Myanmar, this week's Regional Briefs showcase some of the inspiring regional events and actions marking the day.


Americas | Access to Information


An eventful international day of press freedom in the region, with gains and losses


Americas: A free expression round up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Laura Vidal, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Asia & Pacific | Access to Information


Fiji’s media victory, Vietnam’s « Kafkaesque trial », and World Press Freedom Day in the Asia-Pacific


Asia-Pacific: A free expression round up produced by IFEX’s regional editor Mong Palatino, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region


Europe et Asie centrale | Accès à l'information


Démantèlement des médias critiques, répression de l’activisme civique et Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse dans la région


Europe et Asie centrale. Tour d’horizon de la liberté d’expression réalisé, sur la base des rapports des membres de l’IFEX et de nouvelles de la région, par Cathal Sheerin, rédacteur régional de l’IFEX.


Afrique | Accès à l'information


Les médias résistent pour leur droit à informer, des journalistes français expulsés et la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse


Afrique : tour d’horizon de la liberté d’expression réalisé sur la base des rapports des membres de l’IFEX et des nouvelles de la région, par Reyhana Masters, rédactrice régionale de l’IFEX.


Middle East & North Africa | Access to Information


Sudan’s information battles, stifled dissent in Tunisia and Algeria, and marking World Press Freedom Day


Middle East and North Africa: A free expression round up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Naseem Tarawnah, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.