19 January - 25 January

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Looking ahead in 2024

Special Issue: Looking Ahead in 2024

The challenges we currently face as freedom of expression and information advocates are rooted in events that took place last year, which were closely monitored by Regional Editors Cathal Sheerin, Laura Vidal, Mong Palatino, Naseem Tarawnah and Reyhana Masters, and reported on in their monthly Regional Briefs.

So we asked them: Given what you saw last year, what are some hot spots and critical issues to keep an eye on in the coming months?

In response, they have drawn our attention to threats to press freedom, suppression of the right to protest, obstacles to access to information, the impact of the shrinking of civic space on elections, and international judicial efforts to bring about accountability and end impunity.

With their necessary focus on threats to the rights we promote and defend, these pieces may enrage, but we also hope they will inform, and inspire, igniting greater action and engagement with these critical issues.

We are stronger, together! Read on!


Europe et Asie centrale | Attaques


Perspectives pour 2024 : une élection par temps de guerre en Russie et un sérieux test de résistance en Biélorussie


Dans cette édition spéciale du Nouvel an de notre synthèse régionale pour l’Europe et l’Asie centrale, Cathal Sheerin examine en profondeur ce qui se passe en Russie et en Biélorussie.


Afrique | Accès à l'information


Regard vers l’avenir : au Sénégal, les reculs démocratiques parsèment d’embûches le chemin vers l’élection présidentielle


Reyhana Masters, rédactrice en chef de IFEX Afrique, souligne à quel point l’espace civique et les droits clés pour la libre expression ont été compromis dans ce pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, ainsi que les implications pour la prochaine élection et au-delà.


Asia & Pacific | Access to Information


Looking ahead: Censorship, AI, disinformation, and repression undermining elections


IFEX Asia & Pacific Regional Editor Mong Palatino takes us on a tour of some of the challenges, trends, and prospects related to freedom of expression and democracy in the region.


Americas | Attacks


Looking ahead: Argentina at a crossroads, media and women’s rights at risk


IFEX Americas Regional Editor Laura Vidal looks into what lies ahead for Argentina following the election of Javier Milei.


Palestine | Access to Information


Looking ahead: The fight against Israel’s impunity gains legal momentum


IFEX Middle East & North Africa Regional Editor Naseem Tarawnah looks at global efforts to hold Israel accountable for its crimes against Palestinians.