1 September - 7 September

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Asia & Pacific | Attacks


Two years of Taliban and a ‘love letter’ from China


August 2023 in Asia-Pacific: A free expression round up produced by IFEX’s regional editor Mong Palatino, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Afrique | Attaques


Les absurdités du mois d’août en Afrique : suspensions, expulsions, fermetures, coups d’État et rapports contestés


Le mois d’août 2023 en Afrique : tour d’horizon de la liberté d’expression, réalisé sur la base des rapports des membres de l’IFEX et des nouvelles de la région, par Reyhana Masters, rédactrice régionale de l’IFEX.


Middle East & North Africa | Attacks


Egypt targets dissident families, and Iran’s tech-enabled suppression of women


August 2023 in MENA: A free expression round up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Naseem Tarawnah, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Belarus | Digital Rights


Belarus: Journalist Larysa Shchyrakova sentenced to 3.5 years in prison


Authorities accused Shchyrakova of « discrediting Belarus » and facilitating « extremism » by sharing information with human rights group Viasna and broadcaster Belsat TV, both banned in Belarus.


Americas | Attacks


Crime and Punishment: The twin threats faced by journalists in Central America


In addition to extralegal violence, the region’s independent media have been subjected to repressive laws and politicized prosecutions.


International | Censorship


No consensus reached on proposed UN cybercrime treaty


« As it stands, the draft treaty risks not just legitimising the misuse of cybercrime laws to quash dissent and expand state control, but expanding this misuse to other countries. »


Bangladesh | Attacks


Groups call on Bangladesh to dismiss Digital Security Act cases over freedom of expression


IFEX joined several groups in urging Bangladeshi authorities to stop the harassment of journalist Adhora Yeasmean and other members of the media who are facing prosecution under the repressive Digital Security Act.