02 June - 08 June

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Australia | Access to Information


Australia: MEAA welcomes defamation judgement on alleged war crimes in Afghanistan


MEAA said the verdict in favor of journalists « is an important affirmation of the role of journalism to investigate and report on serious matters of public interest. »


Asia & Pacific | Access to Information


Pakistan’s crisis, Hong Kong’s library purge, Chinese censorship (no laughing matter) and some good news


May 2023 in Asia-Pacific: A free expression round up produced by IFEX’s regional editor Mong Palatino, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Brésil | Accès à l'information


Un an apres, la meurtre de Dom Phillips reste impuni. RSF dénonce les lenteurs de la justice brésilienne


« Une société qui ne garantit pas des conditions libres et sûres pour l’exercice du journalisme, la défense des droits fondamentaux et de ses peuples originaires, est condamnée, en niant son passé, à l’échec dans la construction de son avenir » – RSF.


Sénégal | Accès à l'information


Coupure d’Internet alors que le Sénégal plonge dans le chaos


Des émeutes meurtrières éclatent peu de temps après que le tribunal sénégalais a rendu son verdict contre le chef de l’opposition Ousmane Sonko.


Middle East & North Africa | Attacks


Unveiling suppression in MENA: Egypt’s terror lists, information blackouts in Sudan, and Israeli impunity


May 2023 in MENA: A free expression round up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Naseem Tarawnah, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Europe & Central Asia | Access to Information


Fact-checkers threatened and harassed throughout Europe


Survey finds that 90% of fact-checking outlets in Europe have been the target of online harassment and smear campaigns.


International | Access to Information


UN: Global Digital Compact must prioritise human rights


« It is vital that all existing human rights commitments are integrated and mainstreamed throughout the GDC. States must ensure complementarity, coherence, and consistency between the GDC and existing international human rights commitments » – ARTICLE 19