09 June - 15 June

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International | Access to Information


Rights groups urge a more inclusive approach to participation in UN human rights mechanisms


« The UN now has the chance to build on the good practices adopted by the Human Rights Council, Treaty Bodies and related mechanisms in Geneva and consolidate the modalities of participation that allow for a broader, more inclusive, effective and climate-friendly human rights system. »


Syria | Access to Information


Canada and Netherlands bring Syrian torture allegations to International Court of Justice


The case bolsters international efforts working towards addressing the state of impunity in Syria.


Europe & Central Asia | Censorship


EU Council adopts watered-down position on anti-SLAPP directive


« It is far too restrictive to have a meaningful impact. Very few cases fall within the scope of what the council is proposing. Member States’ public commitments are not being translated into concrete action when it comes to providing a favourable environment for journalists » – EFJ


South Africa | Censorship


High court dismisses private prosecution of journalist


A South African high court calls former president Jacob Zuma’s private prosecution of prosecutor Billy Downer and writer Karyn Maughan an abuse of process.


Cuba | Censorship


New law in Cuba aims to « legalize censorship »


The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) condemns Cuba’s dictatorial regime for its ploy to « legalize censorship » by approving a law that will allow it to strengthen its coercion against press freedom, independent media, and journalists and further restrict citizens’ freedom of expression.


Sri Lanka | Censorship


Sri Lanka: Comedian and YouTube content creator arrested over Buddhism satire


Sri Lankan comedian Nathasha Edirisooriya was arrested based on allegations that she had made derogatory remarks about Lord Buddha and Buddhist Girl’s Schools.


Belarus | Attacks


Belarusian authorities should end ill-treatment of political prisoner Maria Kalesnikava


Opposition politician Kalesnikava is being held in solitary confinement and is not receiving adequate medical care despite serious health problems. She is being denied essential foods and medicines.