04 August - 10 August

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Belarus | Access to Information


An IFEX Q&A with the Belarusian Association of Journalists: Defending press freedom is a marathon, not a sprint


As the country marks the third anniversary of manipulated elections that kept “Europe’s last dictator” in power – and the launch of a brutal crackdown – we spoke with BAJ about their ongoing global Solidarity Marathon on behalf of imprisoned journalists.


Russie | Attaques


Russie : Nouvelle peine sévère imposée à Alexeï Navalny


« La nouvelle condamnation d’Alexeï Navalny est totalement infondée, et démontre la détermination du Kremlin à décapiter l’opposition russe pendant de nombreuses années à venir » – HRW.


Afrique | Accès à l'information


Dossier spécial: Les élections au Zimbabwe – un mois de montagnes russes, entre compromis et contrôle


Reyhana Masters partage une analyse approfondie sur le paysage politiquement chargé et les obstacles à la liberté d’expression et à l’accès à l’information dans la perspective des élections au Zimbabwe, avec des commentaires des principales parties prenantes.


Americas | Attacks


Rising death toll in Mexico, looming threats to Guatemalan democracy and Ecuador’s press freedom


July 2023 in the Americas: A free expression round up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Laura Vidal, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Middle East & North Africa | Access to Information


Rising tide of cybercrime laws; resisting repression in Egypt and Tunisia


July 2023 in MENA: A free expression round up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Naseem Tarawnah, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Bangladesh | Digital Rights


Bangladesh to replace draconian Digital Security Act with new law


The Committee to Protect Journalists urged the government to ensure that journalists are fully consulted in drafting the new Cyber Security Act and that it complies with international human rights laws.


International | Access to Information


UN Cybercrime Convention negotiations enter final phase with troubling surveillance powers still on the table


The final text will result in the rewriting of criminal and surveillance laws around the world, affecting millions of people. That’s why EFF and their international allies have been fighting to ensure the draft convention includes robust human rights protections.