1 - 8 July 2021

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Hong Kong (China) | Censorship


How Beijing has dismantled freedom of expression in Hong Kong in just one year


Angeli Datt writes about the Beijing-backed actions that led to the dismantling of freedom of expression in Hong Kong.


Egypt | Attacks


How Egypt weaponizes counter terrorism laws to target human rights defenders


Egyptian human rights defenders and UN experts examine how authorities in Egypt have weaponized counter terrorism laws to target activists and human rights defenders, and measures the international community can take to investigate the country’s grave human rights violations.


International | Attacks


Reporters Without Borders publishes its 2021 “Press freedom predators” list


Some of the 37 “predators of press freedom” have been operating for more than two decades while others have just joined the blacklist, which for the first time includes two women and a European predator.


Ghana | Attacks


Two protesters killed in Ghana


Two more protesters were killed, following demonstrations in the aftermath of the murder of well known social activist Ibrahim Anyass Muhammed, aka Kaaku, in Ejura, Ghana.


Americas | Attacks


Justice in sight, the right to repair, & information deserts… and oases


June 2021 in the Americas: A free expression round up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Paula Martins, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Asia & Pacific | Attacks


The demise of press freedom in Hong Kong, Pakistan journalists attacked, and a case against Twitter


June 2021 in Asia-Pacific: A free expression round up produced by IFEX’s regional editor Mong Palatino, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.


Europe & Central Asia | Access to Information


High treason charges, new anti-LGBTQI+ legislation and progress against impunity


June 2021 in Europe and Central Asia: A free expression round up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Cathal Sheerin, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.