20 October - 26 October

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Middle East & North Africa | Access to Information


An escalating conflict, an unfolding tragedy: Civil society responds to the growing crisis in Israel and Palestine


We share responses of IFEX member organisations to the violence in Palestine and Israel, as journalists and media crews try to stay alive as they report, and misleading and weaponised disinformation distorts narratives, further fuelling the conflict.


Europe & Central Asia | Access to Information


Europe: Tackling content about Gaza and Israel must respect rule of law


CSOs urge European Commissioner Thierry Breton to respect due process when enforcing the DSA in the context of the ongoing armed conflict and violence against civilians in the Gaza Strip and Israel.


Kyrgyzstan | Attacks


Appeal to the Government of Kyrgyzstan


IFEX calls on Kyrgyz authorities to uphold their international human rights obligations by ceasing the wider use of criminal prosecution and abuse of legislation to systematically target independent media outlets, journalists, and other media professionals.


Uganda | Digital Rights


Citizens’ access to social services obstructed by Uganda’s digital ID system


More than 15 million Ugandans could be excluded from gaining access to essential public services and entitlements because they do not have national digital identity cards.


Cambodia | Access to Information


Cambodia: Fundamental freedoms monitor report 2022


The report noted that the government’s crackdown on fundamental freedoms hindered public participation and undermined the advancement of democracy in Cambodia.


United States | Digital Rights


Adtech surveillance and government surveillance are often the same surveillance


Police can use these surveillance tools to see the devices of people who attended a protest, follow them home, and target them for more surveillance, harassment, and retribution.


United States | Attacks


Shouting into the void: Why reporting abuse to social media platforms is so hard and how to fix it


For journalists, writers, and creators who rely on having an online presence to make a living and make their voices heard, the situation is even worse – especially if they belong to groups already marginalized for their actual or perceived identity.