Articles by Fundamedios – Andean Foundation for Media Observation and Study

Venezuelan authorities must guarantee freedom of expression and protect the work of journalists
Given the current electoral situation in Venezuela, the undersigned international organizations and regional networks defending freedom of the press and expression express their concern about the attacks against national and international journalists who are documenting the events happening in the country, as well as activists, demonstrators, and the general population. We urge the Venezuelan authorities to fulfill their obligation to guarantee and protect the exercise of freedom of expression and peaceful association, as well as to guarantee the safety of journalists working in the country.

Nicaragua: 8-year sentence against journalist Víctor Ticay adds to list of human rights violations
Freedom of expression organisations demand the immediate release of the Ticay and the suspension of the recent constitutional reforms linked to the crime of “treason”, which can be used against critics or opponents of the regime.

Guatemala: The imprisonment of José Rubén Zamora is an attack on the press and a bellwether for democracy
Fourteen organizations call for justice in Zamora’s case and respect for the rule of law

Guatemala: No press freedom, no democracy
We call on authorities to respect and protect freedom of expression and freedom of the press as necessary conditions to guarantee democracy and the legitimacy of the electoral process.

Civil society organisations call for clear measures to ensure survival of journalism in Ecuador
Periodistas Sin Cadenas, Voces del Sur, Red Leal and IFEX-ALC strongly condemn the serious press freedom and freedom of expression violations that have taken place recently in Ecuador. As a result of these violations, two journalists have been forced into exile within the first few months of 2023.

A journalistic initiative to remember the deceased in the emergency beyond numbers
A group of journalists came together to write obituaries and pay tribute to those who died during the emergency, whose family members are unable to hold funerals.

Colombia and Ecuador must take action for abducted El Comercio journalism team
Over 500 Ecuadorean journalists and rights organizations have signed a letter calling for the governments of Colombia and Ecuador to take immediate action to protect a team of journalists abducted by militants on their mutual border.

Ecuador: A free expression lens on Lenin Moreno’s first 100 days
The stigmatizing speech and insults against journalists and activists during weekly broadcasts and the almost daily attacks against the media have decreased dramatically, according to Fundamedios.