Portugal: Police surveil four journalists without judicial authorisation
“The monitoring of private communications and bank data from journalists is unprecedented and represents a gross violation of journalists’ rights to source confidentiality and professional secrecy, which are protected under both the Portuguese Constitution and international law”.

Concerns arise over Angola’s economic influence on Portuguese media
Powerful Angolan shareholders own stakes in several leading Portuguese publications. Aware of their economic fragility, authorities in Lisbon are wary of upsetting their powerful economic partner, local journalists say.

Police officer allegedly attacks photojournalist covering Lisbon strike
IPI called the attack on AFP photojournalist Patricia Melo “a chilling reminder of the dangers journalists face, even in Western democracy.”

Regional government’s actions targeting private newspaper threaten free expression, says WAN
WAN’s letter to President Aníbal Cavaco Silva expresses serious concern at the deliberate abuse of state funding of the press by the regional government of Madeira and the consequent distortion of the newspaper market. (WAN/IFEX) His Excellency Aníbal Cavaco Silva President of Portugal Lisbon, Portugal 23 April 2009 Your Excellency, We are writing on behalf […]

Freedom of the Press 2007: Portugal
Freedom of the Press 2007: Portugal

New law threatens “integrity of journalism”
(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is a 25 September 2007 press release of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), an IFJ regional group: EFJ Says New Portuguese Law Threatens “Integrity of Journalism” The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), regional group of the International Federation of Journalists, today condemned the adoption by the Portuguese Parliament of a […]

President vetoes law threatening journalists’ rights; harmful provisions still up for debate
(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is a media release of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), an IFJ regional group: EFJ Welcomes Portuguese President’s Veto of Law Threatening Journalists’ Rights The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today welcomed the recent decision of the President of Portugal to […]

New legislation threatens journalists’ right to protect sources, says EFJ
(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is a 4 July 2007 media release from the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), an IFJ regional group: EFJ Condemns Portuguese Lawmakers over Attacks on Protection of Sources and Authors’ Rights The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today condemned the adoption of the new Journalist Statute by the Portuguese Parliament on […]

Journalist gets 11-month suspended sentence for refusing to reveal source
(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has condemned the 11-month suspended sentence handed down to journalist José Luis Manso Preto for refusing to reveal his source when he was called to give evidence at a drug trial. “We object to this sentence, which constitutes a serious blow to the principle of source confidentiality,” said RSF. “It runs contrary […]

Fifty-three journalists receive summonses in move condemned by RSF
(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has condemned the summonsing of 53 journalists by the Lisbon Public Prosecutor’s Office as an “attempt at intimidation.” The journalists were summonsed for “violating legal confidentiality rules” in the Casa Pia child sex abuse trial, which opens on 25 November 2004. “It is the first time since the return to democracy in […]

Government spokesperson’s statement that public service broadcasters should only have “limited freedom” worries EFJ
(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is a media release by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), an IFJ affiliate: Government spokesperson’s statement that public service broadcasters should only have “limited freedom” worries EFJ EFJ Condemns Attack on Press Freedom and Public Service Broadcasting by Portuguese Authorities In a motion adopted by its Steering Committee on Monday, […]

Journalist charged for refusing to reveal his sources
(RSF/IFEX) – On 23 September 2002, RSF condemned a Portuguese court’s recent decision to charge a journalist for declining to reveal his sources in a drug case. The organisation asked that the matter be dropped. José Luis Manso Preto, who writes for the weekly “Expresso” and other Portuguese and Spanish publications, was detained for several […]

Journalist suspended in Madeira
(IFJ/IFEX) – The IFJ is disturbed by the suspension of Ricardo Chega from “Jornal da Madeira”. According to IFJ’s information, Chega, who is President of the regional branch of the Sindicato dos Jornalistas, has been suspended, pending the outcome of an inquiry, after he made comments on the situation of the press in Madeira, in […]

RSF calls for creation of non-governmental commission on press freedom on occasion of summit of Iberian and Latin American leaders
(RSF/IFEX) – In a 7 November 1997 press release, RSF called for a non-governmental commission on press freedom to be created on the occasion of the annual Ibero-American Summit, held on Isla Margarita, Venezuela on 8 and 9 November. RSF asked for a commitment to the creation of a non-governmental commission on the occasion of […]