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International Cooperation Bill in Venezuela replicates trend to restrict the civic space in Latin America

Regional networks Al Sur; Alianza Regional por la Libre Expresión e Información; IFEX-ALC and Voces del Sur reject the International Cooperation Bill currently under discussion in the National Assembly in Venezuela as it poses a risk to the existence of social and civil organizations in the country by undermining the right to freedom of association.

Cuba: Release imprisoned artists

“Maykel Castillo Pérez and Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara are being prosecuted for exercising their human right to criticize their own government” – HRW.

Colombia’s Indigenous ‘communicators’ face special challenges reporting for their communities

Communicators from across the country said they occupy a particularly precarious place in Colombia’s press corps as threats to their reporting and safety come from many sides.

Nicaragua: The 46/2 Collective welcomes experts who will investigate serious human rights violations

On May 24, the United Nations Human Rights Council elected those who will make up the “Group of Experts on Human Rights” which will investigate and promote accountability for the serious human rights violations committed since 2018.

How the Colombian press can be strengthened by Inter-American Court reparation measures

On October 18th, 2021, the Inter-American Court released a historic judgment on the analysis of sexual violence as a way to silence female journalists. The court found the Colombian State responsible for not guaranteeing the rights of journalist Jineth Bedoya Lima. In 2000, Jineth was a victim of kidnapping, torture and sexual abuse.

Brazilian journalist says city councilor attacked him with rocks

Megale told CPJ he believes Cantuária assaulted him in retaliation for the journalist mentioning the council member’s 16-year jail sentence for child rape during a broadcast report about another rape case.

Guatemalan official files criminal suit against 3 journalists under violence against women law

Guatemalan authorities should drop all charges and stop using laws intended to protect women from violence to target and intimidate reporters.

Chilean reporter dies from gunshot injury sustained during May Day march

“The Chilean government must respond to this tragedy by stepping up protection for Chile’s journalists, who are working in an increasingly dangerous environment” – RSF.

With new penal code, Cuba continues to build an intricate, legal regime of censorship

CPJ is alarmed by the passage of Cuba’s new penal code, which further criminalises the work of independent journalists on the island by banning foreign funding and puts their existence and sustainability at dire risk.

Brazil: Attacks on gender and sexuality education

HRW releases report on the use of pernicious legal and political tactics to undermine and even prohibit gender and sexuality education in Brazil.

Honduras recognizes its responsibility in 2009 killing of transgender woman and activist

Honduras has taken a notable step forward in recognizing the rights of transgender people and contributing to a more just and equitable society. Countries in the region lagging on transgender rights should take note.

Jineth Bedoya Lima: A chronicle of justice delayed

In May of 2000, Jineth Bedoya Lima was abducted and sexually assaulted while investigating a story in Colombia. Years later, justice has only just begun to be served.

Suriname journalist detained, investigated on defamation charges after reporting on police

Police arrested journalist Mones Nazarali, who was taken before a public prosecutor and charged with several crimes, including defamation, slander, disturbing the public order, and insulting the police, which all carry prison sentences under the criminal code, according to the same sources.

Mexican journalist Luis Enrique Ramírez found killed in Culiacán

In his most recent publications for ‘El Debate’, Ramírez covered state and local politics in Sinaloa and Culiacán, including Governor Rubén Rocha, the mayors of Culiacán and Mazatlán, as well as all major political parties in the state congress.

Abraji takes Rubens Valente’s case to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

The conviction of Brazilian journalist Rubens Valente, ordering him to pay a BRL 310,000 (about USD 60,000) compensation to Justice Gilmar Mendes of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), worries organizations defending press freedom.

Gunfire at Chilean workers’ demonstration injures 3 journalists; 1 in critical condition

On 1 May, gunmen opened fire during a Workers’ Day demonstration in the Barrio Meiggs area of Santiago, the capital, as well as during looting that followed the demonstration, injuring at least three members of the press.