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Link to: Journalists charged with slander

Journalists charged with slander

(RSF/IFEX) – According to RSF’s information, associate director of the oppostion daily “La Prensa” Gustavo Gorriti and reporter Rolando Rodriguez were charged on 20 January 1998 with “slander, insult, and falsehood” by Panama’s Attorney General Jose Antonio Sossa. In July 1996, the two journalists published an article revealing that Sossa had received a cheque for […]

Link to: CPJ expresses concern about denial of visas to jounalists and other  cases

CPJ expresses concern about denial of visas to jounalists and other cases

Below is the complete text of a letter which CPJ sent to President Fidel Castro regarding the cases of journalists denied visas to cover the Pope’s visit, and other pending cases. **New cases and updates. For background, see IFEX alerts of 16 January 1998, 17 October, 18 September, and 21 August 1997 (Arevalo Padron case); […]

Link to: Inspectors close down community radio station

Inspectors close down community radio station

(AMARC/IFEX) – The Union of Broadcasting Networks for Democracry (UNIRR)/AMARC-Brasil reports that, on 14 January 1998, all of the equipment of community radio 98.5FM and documents of the Brazilian Association of Community Radio Stations (Abraco) were seized from their shared offices in Brasilia by representatives of the National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL). Accompanied by agents of […]

Link to: Detention of investigative journalist imminent

Detention of investigative journalist imminent

(IPYS/IFEX) – The Institute for Press and Society reports having received information from reliable sources that journalist Jose Arrieta Matos, former chief of the Investigative Unit at TV station Frecuencia Latina-Canal 2, will be detained soon as a result of a police investigation which has been opened after the broadcasting of testimony from a former […]

Link to: Arson attack against “El Oeste” newspaper

Arson attack against “El Oeste” newspaper

(Periodistas/IFEX) – On 25 December 1997, the Esquel daily “El Oeste” was the target of a deliberate arson attack that resulted in the near total loss of the newspaper’s files, part of its photographic archives as well as the near destruction of the paper’s offices. According to police, the arsonists are thought to have entered […]

Link to: Community radio station ordered to close

Community radio station ordered to close

(AMARC/IFEX) – Federal court judge Eloy Bernst Justo has ordered the closure of the four- month- old community radio station Sambaqui FM. The station broadcasts in Arroilo do Sal, a community of 7,500 people on the northern coast of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The town has no other communications media. The judge’s […]

Link to: CPJ calls on President Bill Clinton to stress U.S. concerns about lack of press freedom in Turkey

CPJ calls on President Bill Clinton to stress U.S. concerns about lack of press freedom in Turkey

(CPJ/IFEX) – On 16 December 1997, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) urged President Bill Clinton to stress the United States’ concerns about the lack of press freedom in Turkey in his meeting with Prime Minister Mezut Yilmaz on 18 December. “We want Turkey to live up to the long-term promises it made to CPJ […]

Link to: Journalist Odalys Curbelo Sanchez taken in for questioning, threatened

Journalist Odalys Curbelo Sanchez taken in for questioning, threatened

(RSF/IFEX) – On 9 December 1997, Odalys Curbelo Sanchez, correspondent for the Cuba Press news agency in Pinar del Rio, was taken in for questioning by two counter-espionage agents and two State Security agents. After presenting Curbelo with an official document accusing him of “spreading information to foreign enemy radio stations, of illegally practising his […]

Link to: Photographer Edward Troon abducted

Photographer Edward Troon abducted

(JSS/IFEX) – On 8 December 1997, a photographer from Suriname, Edward Troon, was abducted by four men who pulled him into a car and blindfolded him. A few hours later, he was released when they told him that this was “the reward for 8 December 1982.” Troon was reportedly mistreated during his abduction. On 8 […]

Link to: Journalist Mariza Romao receives death threats

Journalist Mariza Romao receives death threats

(CPJ/IFEX) – Mariza Romao, who works for Globo Television Network affiliate TV Liberal, fled Maraba, a town in the northern state of Para, on 1 December 1997 after receiving a series of death threats. Romao reported on the April 1996 massacre in Eldorado de Carajas, a town close to Maraba, in which nineteen landless workers […]

Link to: Raul Rivero wins Reporters sans frontieres – Fondation de France Prize

Raul Rivero wins Reporters sans frontieres – Fondation de France Prize

(RSF/IFEX) – Cuban journalist Raul Rivero has won the Reporters sans frontieres – Fondation de France prize for 1997. The award was to be presented to the director of the news agency Cuba Press at 11:30 am on 10 December 1997 at the Espace Electra, Paris. Rivero was unable to collect his prize in person […]

Link to: Police justify actions to quell demonstrations during APEC forum, admit to suppressing freedom of expression

Police justify actions to quell demonstrations during APEC forum, admit to suppressing freedom of expression

(CCPJ/IFEX) – In a memo distributed during the first week of December 1997, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) justified its use of pepper spray on university students and other demonstrators on 25 November 1997, during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Vancouver. The RCMP memo also justifies officers’ actions in removing demonstrators’ signs. […]

Link to: Coroner’s jury makes recommendations regarding treatment of mentally ill individuals two years after murder of journalist Brian Smith

Coroner’s jury makes recommendations regarding treatment of mentally ill individuals two years after murder of journalist Brian Smith

(CCPJ/IFEX) – A coroner’s jury looking into the August 1995 fatal shooting of popular television personality Brian Smith has come out with 72 recommendations aiming at a major overhaul in the laws and programs dealing with the mentally ill. **Updates IFEX alert dated 3 August 1995** The inquest was called to examine possible changes to […]

Link to: RSF urges that democratic clause in agreement between European Union and Mexico be respected

RSF urges that democratic clause in agreement between European Union and Mexico be respected

(RSF/IFEX) – On 8 December 1997, the European Union and Mexico formally signed a political coordination and cooperation partnership agreement that will govern their relations as soon as it is ratified by their respective legislatures. This accord contains as an essential element a “democratic clause” that is based “on the respect of democratic principles and […]

Link to: Two journalists taken in for questioning by police

Two journalists taken in for questioning by police

(RSF/IFEX) – On 25 November 1997, Odalis Curbelo Sanchez and Juan Antonio Sanchez Rodriguez of the Cuba Press news agency were taken in for questioning in Pinar del Rio by three State Security agents for having taken pictures of posters of Pope John Paul II that had been vandalised. During the interrogation, the journalists were […]

Link to: President insults journalist Horacio Verbitsky once again

President insults journalist Horacio Verbitsky once again

(Periodistas/IFEX) – On 23 November 1997, during an interview with a group of female journalists, President Carlos Menem referred to Horacio Verbitsky, a founding member of Periodistas, in a disparaging manner because of a journalistic investigation published that day in the daily “Pagina/12”. According to official information made public by the Press and Publication Secretariat […]