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Link to: Police officers who detained and threatened photographer Delfo Rodriguez sanctioned; businessman Alfredo Yabran still suspected of being behind murder of journalist Jose Luis Cabezas

Police officers who detained and threatened photographer Delfo Rodriguez sanctioned; businessman Alfredo Yabran still suspected of being behind murder of journalist Jose Luis Cabezas

(Periodistas/IFEX) – The government of Mendoza province ordered the arrest of three police officers implicated in the unorthodox arrest, on 4 October, of sub-director of photography for the daily “Los Andes”, Delfo Rodriguez. Minister of Governance Angel Cirasino stated that sub-chief of police Pedro Pereyra, sub-inspector Eduardo Torres and Ruben Quintana of the Fifth Section […]

Link to: Two articles of bill pose threat to press freedom

Two articles of bill pose threat to press freedom

(RSF/IFEX) – Two articles of a bill aimed at reforming the Code of Criminal Procedure which is currently being debated in the Chamber of Deputies pose a threat to press freedom, says RSF. Article 264 obliges journalists to reveal their sources of information to a judge if the latter considers such information “indispensable” to the […]

Link to: Journalist threatened; wishes to leave Colombia

Journalist threatened; wishes to leave Colombia

(RSF/IFEX) – On 6 October 1997, Ricardo Velez, cameraman for the television program “Noticiero 12:30”, which is broadcast on the television station Cadena A, was assaulted by an armed individual who threatened him in the street and ordered him to leave Colombia. Velez has been threatened several times, allegedly by military officials, since August 1996, […]

Link to: RSF report also available in French

RSF report also available in French

(RSF/IFEX) – Please note that RSF’s report on the current state of press freedom in Mexico, “Mexico: New dangers amid the democratic transition”, is also available in French. **Further to press release of 3 October 1997**

Link to: Press Council of Peru established

Press Council of Peru established

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 23 September 1997, having taken the first steps towards the creation of a Peruvian Press Council (Consejo de la Prensa Peruana), the print media who are members of the new organization publicly approved a work plan through which it will seek to support the development of democracy in the country and to […]

Link to: Businessman suspected of being involved in murder of photographer Jose Luis Cabezas ordered to appear before judge

Businessman suspected of being involved in murder of photographer Jose Luis Cabezas ordered to appear before judge

(Periodistas/IFEX) – On 1 October 1997, Jose Luis Macchi, a judge in Dolores who is overseeing the investigation of the murder of photographer Jose Luis Cabezas on 25 January 1997 in Pinamar, summoned businessman Alfredo Yabran to appear in court on 10 October “to provide information in regard to the crimes of illegal deprivation of […]

Link to: Journalist Hector Peraza Linares released

Journalist Hector Peraza Linares released

(RSF/IFEX) – Hector Peraza Linares, co-director of the news agency Habana Press, was released on 23 September 1997 after having been detained for 92 days. However, authorities did not return to Peraza equipment – a computer, typewriter and camera – seized duing his arrest in June. **Updates IFEX alerts dated 16 and 2 July 1997** […]

Link to: Legislation currently being debated in Congress threatens press freedom

Legislation currently being debated in Congress threatens press freedom

(RSF/IFEX) – An amendment to the Penal Code which is currently being debated in Congress provides for penalties ranging from six months to two years in prison for any individual who obtains, reproduces or circulates images (photographs or videos), recordings or texts which contain information that could damage the intimacy and personal lives of people, […]

Link to: Advances in investigation into phone tapping

Advances in investigation into phone tapping

(IPYS/IFEX) – Investigations into phone tapping have advanced by 50%, assured ad hoc Public Prosecutor Victor Hugo Salvatierra on 16 September 1997, after receiving further proof of the tapping, contained in the “Plan Emilio-Proyecto Especial 12” and which was broadcast on 14 September on the Frecuencia Latina television program “Contrapunto” (see IFEX alert). He stated […]

Link to: Deportation order issued against Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti

Deportation order issued against Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti

(AMARC/IFEX) – According to the Pulsar news agency, on 19 September 1997, Panama’s immigration department delivered a deportation order to Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti, associate director of the opposition daily “La Prensa”, for being in the country illegally. After signing the order, Gorriti told journalists in the capital that he and his lawyers would launch […]

Link to: Police seize six rolls of films from Associated Press photographer

Police seize six rolls of films from Associated Press photographer

(IPYS/IFEX) – At the request of brothers Samuel and Mendel Winter, police seized six rolls of film taken by Association Press (AP) photographer Ricardo Choy. (The courts recently granted the Winter brothers control of the Frecuencia Latina/Channel 2 television station; see IFEX alerts.) **For background to Frecuencia Latina/Canal 2 case, see IFEX alerts of 19 […]

Link to: Court grants control of Frecuencia Latina/Canal 2 to brothers Winter; judicial request by Baruch Ivcher in regard to his Peruvian citizenship partially turned down

Court grants control of Frecuencia Latina/Canal 2 to brothers Winter; judicial request by Baruch Ivcher in regard to his Peruvian citizenship partially turned down

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 15 September 1997, the Court of Public Law ruledin favour of giving control of the Frecuencia Latina/Canal 2 television station to the brothers Samuel and Mendel Winter. The court’s ruling found reasonable in all respects the request made by the brothers Winter, owners of 46 % of the shares in Frecuencia Latina/Canal […]

Link to: Renewed harassment of journalists

Renewed harassment of journalists

RSF/IFEX) – On 8 September 1997, Omar Rodriguez Saludes of the New Press news agency (ANP) was arrested by a State Security officer who, after threatening Rodriguez, confiscated his camera and several documents. Rodriguez had been covering a religious festival. The same day, Odalys Curbelo Sanchez, correspondent for the news agency Cuba Press in Pinar […]

Link to: Three journalists abducted and threatened

Three journalists abducted and threatened

(RSF/IFEX) – On 13 September 1997, Rene Solorio, Gerardo Segura and Ernesto Madrid, journalists with the program “Hechos”, which is broadcast on TV Azteca, were abducted for several hours, assaulted and threatened with death by men who were, according to the journalists, police officers. Solorio was picked up and taken by four men who forced […]

Link to: Journalist arrested for alleged defamation

Journalist arrested for alleged defamation

(IPYS/IFEX) – Journalist Guido Lombardi was detained on 11 September 1997 and taken to the Hall of Justice (Palacio de Justicia) to make a statement in regard to defamation charges filed against him. Lombardi was arrested at 10 am after leaving the office of Radio Programas del Peru, in Santa Beatriz (Cercado), to have breakfast […]

Link to: Detained poet released

Detained poet released

(WiPC/IFEX) – Poet Reynaldo Soto Hernandez was reportedly released from prison on 6 September 1997 upon completion of his three year sentence under the “dangerousness” law. **Updates IFEX alert dated 10 April 1996** Soto Hernandez, who was also a human rights activist and a journalist for the Cuba Press news agency, had been arrested in […]