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Link to: Threats against politician’s radio station

Threats against politician’s radio station

Source: Associated Press (AP), Managua (reprinted by Editora Panama America, 10 June 1996) On 9 June 1996, businessman and Nicaraguan Resistance Party (PRN) President Fabio Gadea Mantilla told authorities that former Nicaraguan “contras” (anti-Sandinista resistance fighters) had, that morning, threatened to destroy his radio station, La Corporacion. According to Gadea Mantilla, the group which issued […]

Link to: Three journalists charged with defamation

Three journalists charged with defamation

Three journalists have been charged with defaming the former manager of the water treatment service in the city of Tarapoto, Carlo Magno Pasquel Cardenas. The journalists are Julio Alberto Quevedo Chavez of the magazine “El Tarapotino”, Luis Humberto Hidalgo Sanchez of Radio Tarapoto, and Cesar Herrera Luna of the magazine “El Achichito”, each one the […]

Link to: Journalist Teobaldo Melendez Fachin assaulted

Journalist Teobaldo Melendez Fachin assaulted

Source: Coordinadora Nacional de Radio On 14 June 1996, Teobaldo Melendez Fachin, a reporter for Radio Oriente Panamericana Television, was assaulted by soldiers from the Peruvian Air Force (FAP) in the city of Yurimaquas. The incident occurred as Melendez was covering the arrival at Yurimaquas airport of the Bishop of Callao province, Miguel Irizar Campos. […]

Link to: Television producer and journalist Jorge Javier Elorriaga freed

Television producer and journalist Jorge Javier Elorriaga freed

**Updates IFEX alerts dated 8 May and 13 February 1996, and 19 July 1995** Mexican television producer and journalist Jorge Javier Elorriaga, who was sentenced to 13 years in prison on 3 May 1996 on charges of terrorism, conspiracy and rebellion, was freed on appeal on 6 June. Appeals To

Link to: Radio Oriental reporter Miguel Perez Julca freed

Radio Oriental reporter Miguel Perez Julca freed

**Updates IFEX alert dated 7 June 1996** On 8 June 1996, Radio Oriental reporter Miguel Perez Julca was released from prison after the intervention of congresswoman and journalist Elferez Vidarte, who got in touch with both the Congressional Human Rights and Pacification Commission and State Prosecutor Blanca Nelida Colan in order to procure his release. […]

Link to: Legal proceedings initiated against commentator Arnaldo Jabor; proposed media legislation could restrict press freedom

Legal proceedings initiated against commentator Arnaldo Jabor; proposed media legislation could restrict press freedom

Bonificacio de Andrada, a member of the Brazilian Congress who serves as the attorney for Congress’s Chamber of Deputies, has begun criminal and civil proceedings against television commentator Arnaldo Jabor for comments he made during a news bulletin on 30 May 1996 on Rede Globo, Brazil’s most popular television network. Jabor likened the Chamber to […]

Link to: Radio Oriental reporter Miguel Perez Julca arrested

Radio Oriental reporter Miguel Perez Julca arrested

In the beginning of May 1996, an arrest warrant was issued for Miguel Perez Julca, a reporter for Radio Oriental. Then, on 6 June, a colleague of Perez at Radio Maranon got a telephone call from Perez saying that he had been arrested and taken to the El Milagro military base. He is to be […]

Link to: CPJ sends letter of protest to Mexican telecommunications company regarding its role in the Cuban government’s campaign of harassment against independent Cuban journalists

CPJ sends letter of protest to Mexican telecommunications company regarding its role in the Cuban government’s campaign of harassment against independent Cuban journalists

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has recently written the following letter to Javier Garza Calderon, the Chief Executive of Grupo Domos, a privately owned Mexican telecommunications company based in Monterrey, Mexico. In 1994 it purchased 49 per cent of ETECSA, the Cuban state telephone company, with which it had entered into a joint venture. […]

Link to: Journalist Roxana Valdivia arrives in the United States after being forced to emigrate

Journalist Roxana Valdivia arrives in the United States after being forced to emigrate

**Updates IFEX alerts dated 21 and 12 March 1996** On 4 June 1996, Roxana Valdivia, a journalist for the Bureau of Independent Press in Cuba (BPIC), arrived in Miami, Florida with her family after being forced to emigrate. Recommended Action Send appeals to authorities: considering the expulsion of Roxana Valdivia from Cuba to be a […]

Link to: Delegation from RSF and IPYS meet with President Alberto Fujimori and others to discuss case of Jesus Alfonso Castiglione Mendoza

Delegation from RSF and IPYS meet with President Alberto Fujimori and others to discuss case of Jesus Alfonso Castiglione Mendoza

**Updates IFEX alerts dated 1 May, 12 April and 12 March 1996, 15 August 1995, and others** On 31 May 1996, a delegation made up of representatives from Reporters sans frontieres (RSF) and the Institute for Press and Society (IPYS) met with President Alberto Fujimori, who expressed interest in the case of imprisoned journalist Jesus […]

Link to: Police threaten Joaquin Torres Alvarez, of the independent news agency Havana Press

Police threaten Joaquin Torres Alvarez, of the independent news agency Havana Press

On the morning of 31 May 1996, two members of the Cuban state security police went to the home of Joaquin Torres Alvarez, president of the independent news agency Havana Press, and threatened to incarcerate him if he continued to write for the agency. Torres told the Committee to Protect Journalists that police initially informed […]

Link to: Radio Miraflores station owner free on bail in ongoing tax evasion case

Radio Miraflores station owner free on bail in ongoing tax evasion case

**Updates IFEX alert dated 23 May 1996** Source: “La Republica” daily newspaper Ricardo Palma Michelsen, owner of Lima’s Radio Miraflores radio station, succeeded in getting the order to detain him overturned in the ongoing tax evasion case against him. He was freed on 500,000 soles bail (US$ 206,000). However, Criminal Court Eleven judge William Paco […]

Link to: Panamericana Television correspondent harassed by authorities

Panamericana Television correspondent harassed by authorities

On 22 May 1996, police came to the home of Adolfo Fasanando, Panamericana Television’s correspondent in the city of Tarapoto, department of Huanuco, to summon him to the police station. Waiting were Colonel Nestor Via, regional head of police operations (Jefe del Frente Policial) for the province of San Martin, department of Huanuco, and provincial […]

Link to: Investigation concludes that the head of Lima police to blame for assault of journalists covering protest by striking municipal employees

Investigation concludes that the head of Lima police to blame for assault of journalists covering protest by striking municipal employees

**Updates IFEX alerts dated 17 May 1996** The commission that investigated the incident on 3 May 1996 involving the conduct of Lima police officers during a protest by striking municipal employees issued its report last week, concluding that the head of the Lima police, Jose La Madrid Ponce, was to blame. His handling of the […]

Link to: Police detain journalist Lazaro Lazo

Police detain journalist Lazaro Lazo

On 24 May 1996, Lazaro Lazo, interim President of the Bureau of Independent Press in Cuba (BPIC), was arrested in Havana by two agents of Cuban State Security. He was detained for four days in Villa Marista, the main prison of the State Security. Upon being released, Lazo was warned to vacate his position at […]

Link to: Concerns for free expression, as new Executive decree outlines new state secrets

Concerns for free expression, as new Executive decree outlines new state secrets

A new Executive decree declared a series of documentes relating to public security to be “state secrets.” The decree was signed by Costa Rican President Jose Maria Figueres and entered into effect on 3 May 1996, when it was published in “La Gaceta”, the official government newspaper. It declared as state secrets documents dealing with […]