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Link to: Two “La Republica” journalists arrested

Two “La Republica” journalists arrested

Federico Fassario, editor-in-chief of the Montevideo daily “La Republica”, and Carlos Fassano, managing director of the daily, were arrested on 23 May 1996 on charges brought against them by Paraguayan President Juan Carlos Wasmosy. The two were sentenced to two years in jail for insulting the honour of a foreign head of state (“atentado contra […]

Link to: FM Latinoamericana community radio station’s equipment stolen

FM Latinoamericana community radio station’s equipment stolen

In the early hours of 21 May 1996, unknown individuals stole audio equipment from the FM Latinoamericana radio station, a community radio station based in the Buenos Aires neighbourhood of Saavedra. As the station’s staff were getting ready to broadcast, they discovered the equipment was missing and that threats had been painted on the walls […]

Link to: Journalist Rodolfo F. Pena target of death threat

Journalist Rodolfo F. Pena target of death threat

On 11 May 1996, an anonymous message containing death threats was discovered in the mailbox at the home of journalist Rodolfo F. Pena. It is suspected that the threat is connected to the work of Pena, who is a reporter for the daily “La Jornada” as well as part of the daily’s publishing group. This […]

Link to: Radio Miraflores owner Ricardo Palma Michelsen arrested; court orders seizure of his personal property, including Radio Miraflores

Radio Miraflores owner Ricardo Palma Michelsen arrested; court orders seizure of his personal property, including Radio Miraflores

On 16 May 1996, the owner of Radio Miraflores, Ricardo Palma Michelsen, was arrested for alleged tax evasion. The order for his arrest was issued following a report broadcast the previous day on “Good Morning Mr President”–a radio program carried by Radio Miraflores–about apparent irregularities in the bidding for a construction project of a hydroelectric […]

Link to: Proposed anti-corruption legislation could restrict press freedom

Proposed anti-corruption legislation could restrict press freedom

Source: “El Claron”, Buenos Aires On 15 May 1996, Argentine President Carlos Menem introduced a bill to fight government corruption which would allow access to statements of the personal wealth of public officials. However, the bill could pose a threat to press freedom, since it calls for prison terms for those individuals who circulate that […]

Link to: Bomb attack against journalist Jose Ruben Zamora

Bomb attack against journalist Jose Ruben Zamora

On 15 May 1996, Jose Ruben Zamora, the former editor of “Siglo Veintiuno”, was dining in a Guatemala City restaurant when a grenade exploded outside, damaging his car. Two grenades had been tossed from a passing vehicle, one of which failed to explode. Zamora told CPJ that he believed the attack was intended as a […]

Link to: Several journalists assaulted by police

Several journalists assaulted by police

On 3 May 1996, a police squad from Lima’s security forces assaulted a group of striking municipal employees as well as several other people who were in the vicinity. Police also assaulted journalists from the magazine “Caretas”, the daily newspaper “El Comercio” as well as from some television stations who were covering the protest by […]

Link to: Cuban authorities arrest father of Bureau of Independent Press in Cuba founder Yndamiro Restano Diaz

Cuban authorities arrest father of Bureau of Independent Press in Cuba founder Yndamiro Restano Diaz

On 2 May 1996, Julio Suarez, in whose home was located the temporary offices of the Bureau of Independent Press in Cuba (BPIC), was arrested and taken in for questioning by Havana police. He was held for approximately ten hours at Villa Marista, the central prison of Cuban State Security, before being released. Suarez was […]

Link to: Journalist Jorge Javier Elorriaga sentenced to thirteen years in prison

Journalist Jorge Javier Elorriaga sentenced to thirteen years in prison

**Updates IFEX alerts dated 13 February 1996 and 19 July 1995** On 3 May 1996, television producer Jorge Javier Elorriaga (previously reported as “Elorreaga”) was sentenced to thirteen years in prison on charges of terrorism, rebellion and conspiracy. His political rights (“derechos politicos”) were also suspended for four years. The Tuxtla Gutierrez judge, Juan Manuel […]

Link to: Police raid office of Bureau of Independent Press in Cuba

Police raid office of Bureau of Independent Press in Cuba

On 26 April 1996, nine police officers raided the office of the Bureau of Independent Press in Cuba (BPIC) and confiscated several items, including files, correspondence, magazines, two typewriters, one computer, a printer, as well as office supplies such as pencils and paper. This action is the latest in a series of government harassment and […]

Link to: Journalist Jesus Alfonso Castiglione Mendoza begins fourth year in detention

Journalist Jesus Alfonso Castiglione Mendoza begins fourth year in detention

**Updates IFEX alerts dated 12 April and 12 March 1996, 15 August 1995, and others** On 29 April 1996, journalist Jesus Alfonso Castiglione Mendoza began his fourth year in detention. In March 1996, he received the Hellman-Hammett prize from Human Rights Watch. Recommended Action Send appeals to authorities: pointing out that Castiglione’s detention constitutes a […]

Link to: Proposals to regulate community radio stations meets with criticism on both sides of issue

Proposals to regulate community radio stations meets with criticism on both sides of issue

Source: Inter Press Service (IPS) The Brazilian government has presented a bill to the Brazilian Congress that would regulate community radio stations. The bill, introduced earlier this month, would limit informal radio transmitters to 10 watts and a range of 400 metres, and would require that broadcasters be officially licensed as well as have their […]

Link to: Journalist Olance Nogueras freed

Journalist Olance Nogueras freed

**Updates IFEX alert dated 25 April 1996** On 26 April 1996, journalist Olance Nogueras was released from detention. He was detained by Cuban authorities on 23 April in the city of Cienfuegos when he attempted to meet with Danielle Mitterand, president of the humanitarian organization France Liberte. Appeals To

Link to: Journalist Olance Nogueras arrested

Journalist Olance Nogueras arrested

**For background to previous harassment of Olance Nogueras, see IFEX alert dated 23 January 1996, and others** On 23 April 1996, Olance Nogueras, a reporter for the Bureau of Independent Press in Cuba (BPIC), was detained by agents of the political police in the city of Cienfuegos as he was on his way to meet […]

Link to: Three television journalists and staff arrested

Three television journalists and staff arrested

On 17 April 1996, “Liberal” television station reporter Marisa Romeo, cameraman Jonias Cardoso and soundman Raimundo Marinho were arrested by police near Eldorado do Carajas, in the northern state of Para. The trio were covering a confrontation between police and landless peasants who were blocking a road. After having been singled out by the police, […]

Link to: Legislation invoked to prevent Chilean media from reporting on judicial investigation of murdered senator

Legislation invoked to prevent Chilean media from reporting on judicial investigation of murdered senator

On 16 April 1996, the minister of the Santiago Court of Appeal, judge Alfredo Pfeiffer, issued a prohibition order preventing coverage by the Chilean media of a judicial investigation of the 1991 murder of senator Jaime Guzman Errazuriz. Pfeiffer invoked Article 25 of Law 16.643, regarding the “abuse of publicity” (“Ley sobre Abusos de Publicidad”), […]