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9592 articles
Link to: Journalist Juan Jose Yantuche dies as a result of his injuries

Journalist Juan Jose Yantuche dies as a result of his injuries

On 11 April 1996, Juan Jose Yantuche, a reporter with the television program TV Noticias, died as a result of his injuries. Two weeks ago, the wounded body of Yantuche was found in his car at the end of a ravine in Zone 1 of the city of Mixco; he had been in a coma […]

Link to: Harassment of community radio station

Harassment of community radio station

On the night of 5 April 1996, one of the loudspeakers of “La Radio Contigo” was shot at by unknown individuals. The station is based in San Miguel Xaltepec, Puebla, just east of Mexico City. Two weeks ago, “La Radio Contigo” conducted a live interview for two hours with two of the four candidates for […]

Link to: Ruling to be handed down by court in regard to fired journalists from “Barricada”

Ruling to be handed down by court in regard to fired journalists from “Barricada”

**Updates IFEX alert dated 10 November 1994; for background, see IFEX press release dated 19 September 1994** According to the sixteen journalists from the daily “Barricada” who were dismissed in late 1994, a decision is to be handed down soon by a Labour Court judge in regard to their dismissal. They are hoping that the […]

Link to: Court files of Jesus Alfonso Castiglione Mendoza requested by key legal authorities; cases of two individuals originally convicted with Castiglione to be tried again

Court files of Jesus Alfonso Castiglione Mendoza requested by key legal authorities; cases of two individuals originally convicted with Castiglione to be tried again

**Updates IFEX alerts of 12 March, 22 February 1996; 22 November, 15 August 1995; 13 October, 25 May 1994, and others** In a recent interview broadcast on the radio program “Programas del Peru”, Dr. Carlos Rivera, a lawyer for the Institute for Legal Defence (Instituto de Defensa Legal, IDL), stated that the file (the court […]

Link to: Journalist Erwin San Juan attacked

Journalist Erwin San Juan attacked

In the early morning of 9 April 1996, several unidentified men broke into the house of Erwin San Juan, a journalist with the daily “Ultima Hora”. The men tied up San Juan and his wife, searched their house, and stole some camera equipment and money. They also tampered with San Juan’s press credentials. Upon seeing […]

Link to: Journalist Rafael Solano freed

Journalist Rafael Solano freed

**Updates IFEX alerts dated 27, 21, 12 March and 29 February 1996** On 8 April 1996, journalist Rafael Solano, president of the independent news agency Habana Press, was released after being imprisoned for 42 days. However, the charges brought against Solano–alleged “association with persons with the intent to commit a crime”–stand. Consequently, unless the Cuban […]

Link to: Series of developments regarding harassment of “Trinidad Guardian”

Series of developments regarding harassment of “Trinidad Guardian”

**Updates IFEX alert dated 13 February 1996** During the past month-and-a-half, significant pressures have been placed on the staff of the “Trinidad Guardian”. On 7 February 1996, Prime Minister Basdeo Panday temporarily lifted a ban on the “Trinidad Guardian” newspaper’s access to government information. Soon after, however, Michael Mansoor, who is head of the Trinidad […]

Link to: Newspaper “Gestion” subject to harassment by government agency

Newspaper “Gestion” subject to harassment by government agency

The Superintendencia Nacional de Administracion Tributaria (SUNAT)–the government agency responsible for policing taxation and contraband–has ceased advertising in the business-oriented daily “Gestion”. The decision was made in response to articles published by “Gestion” in early March 1996 which were critical of SUNAT and the Peruvian government’s economic adjustment program. Shortly after the articles were published, […]

Link to: Two journalists briefly detained; two others threatened by police

Two journalists briefly detained; two others threatened by police

On 29 March 1996, journalists Jean-Marie Mayard and Augustin Frantz were detained briefly by police in the city of Saint-Marc, north of Port-au-Prince. The journalists, who work for Radio Magik FM and Radio Caraibes, respectively, were held for four hours at the city’s police station. The two were also reportedly assaulted by the police. The […]

Link to: Editor-in-chief of “La Republica” threatened

Editor-in-chief of “La Republica” threatened

Carlos Maravi, the editor-in-chief of “La Republica” newspaper, was recently the target of a threatening letter that was sent to him as well as to other media outlets. The threat was made because, according to the letter’s contents, the newspaper had reportedly defended the former President of Peru, Alan Garcia Perez. In particular, the letter […]

Link to: Staff of “Trinidad Guardian” harassed

Staff of “Trinidad Guardian” harassed

Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Basdco Panday said on 2 February 1996 that journalists from the daily “Trinidad Guardian” would not be allowed access to government information until the paper’s editor-in-chief, Jones Madeira, was fired. He contacted Anthony Sagba, chairman of the ANSA McAl group, the newspaper’s financial controller, to demand Madeira’s dismissal. Panday’s action […]

Link to: Government withdraws libel and defamation bills

Government withdraws libel and defamation bills

**Updates IFEX alert dated 11 January 1995** On 23 May 1995, the government withdrew two bills introduced by Minister of Justice Rodolfo Barra at the end of 1994. After presidential approval, the bills went to Congress in January. The proposed reforms called for an increase in penalties for libel and defamation, and required newspapers to […]

Link to: Superior Court repeals order to detain three Chota journalists

Superior Court repeals order to detain three Chota journalists

Source: National Association of Journalists of Peru (ANP), Chota local **Updates IFEX alert dated 18 July 1995** The Third Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Lambayeque repealed an order issued to detain journalists David Passapera Portilla, Mauro Vasquez Gonzales and Carlos Idrogo Bravo, of Radio Chota and the daily “La Republica”. The Court instead […]

Link to: Alfonso Castiglione Mendoza remains in prison awaiting retrial

Alfonso Castiglione Mendoza remains in prison awaiting retrial

**Updates IFEX alerts dated 3 July, 8 February 1995; 4 November, 31, 13 October, 7 September, 22 August, 15, 12, 8, 7, 1 July, 13 June and 25 May 1994** Journalist Alfonso Castiglione Mendoza remains in detention, awaiting a retrial ordered over two months ago. On 7 June 1995, the Supreme Court of Peru revoked […]

Link to: Two journalists threatened in area known for drug trade

Two journalists threatened in area known for drug trade

CPJ on 10 August 1995 expressed alarm at recent death threats from members of organized crime against Candido Figueredo, the correspondent for the Asuncion daily “ABC Color” in Pedro Juan Caballero, in the department of Amambay. Figueredo has been receiving death threats for the last two weeks, all warning him to cease reporting on a […]

Link to: Police officer awaits trial for murder of “Independente” owner

Police officer awaits trial for murder of “Independente” owner

**Updates IFEX alert dated 20 July 1995** According to journalists in the Brazilian state of Goias, a policeman who allegedly shot Marcos Borges Ribeiro, owner of the monthly journal “Independente” in Rio Verde, state of Goias, confessed to the killing and surrendered to police a few days after the crime. He is reportedly free on […]