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Link to: Journalist Hermes Rivera Guerrero goes to court for ratification of 20 year sentence

Journalist Hermes Rivera Guerrero goes to court for ratification of 20 year sentence

**Updates IFEX CH alerts of 3 February & 16 November 1994** On 7 March, at 11:00am, the defence lawyer for journalist Hermes Rivera Guerrero will present an appeal for review of his case before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Peru. The Court must ratify Rivera’s sentence of 20 years imprisonment, handed […]

Link to: Detention of journalist Augusto Ernesto Llosa Giraldo

Detention of journalist Augusto Ernesto Llosa Giraldo

On 14 February 1995 journalist Augusto Ernesto Llosa Giraldo of Radio Casma and the editor of the newspaper “El Casmeno”, was detained by the National Police on charges implicating him in a terrorism case that occurred in 1986. The detention order was issued by the Superior Court in Cuzco. The journalist was detained in Casma, […]

Link to: CPJ asks NYC Mayor to name street after journalist Manuel de Dios Unanue on third anniversary of his death

CPJ asks NYC Mayor to name street after journalist Manuel de Dios Unanue on third anniversary of his death

11 March 1995 will mark the third anniversary of the death of Latino journalist Manuel de Dios Unanue who was gunned down in Queens, New York on orders of the Colombian Cali drug cartel. His family and colleagues have appealed to local authorities to designate the street where he was killed Manuel de Dios de […]

Link to: Retrial to begin for journalist Pedro Valdez Bernales

Retrial to begin for journalist Pedro Valdez Bernales

**Updates IFEX CH alerts dated 26 January 1995, 6 September and 26 July 1994** The retrial of journalist Pedro Valdez Bernales will begin on 16 February 1995 at 15:00 hours in the Castro Castro prison in Lima. The trial should last approximately five days. Recommended Action Send appeals to Peruvian authorities: asking that all the […]

Link to: Journalist Ruperto Armenta Gerrardo murdered

Journalist Ruperto Armenta Gerrardo murdered

Ruperto Armenta Gerardo, editor of the Guasave-based weekly, “El Regional”, in the state of Sinaloa, was beaten to death by unidentified men, on 5 February 1995. Gerardo’s body was found inside a water canal near the town of Guasave. Although it is not known if his murder was related to his work as a journalist, […]

Link to: International press faces discrimination in covering Peru- Ecuador conflict

International press faces discrimination in covering Peru- Ecuador conflict

Since the beginning of aggressions along the Peru-Ecuador border, Peruvian authorities have obstructed the work the international press. The foreign press corps has been excluded from two press conferences given by Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori. According to the Association for the Foreign Press in Peru (APEP), which represents 80 foreign correspondents accredited to report in […]

Link to: Detained journalist Hermes Rivera Guerrero on hunger strike

Detained journalist Hermes Rivera Guerrero on hunger strike

**Updates IFEX alert dated 16 November 1994** Dilcia de Rivera, the wife of detained journalist Hermes Rivera Guerrero, brought a letter from the journalist to the offices of IPYS. In it, Rivera indicates that he embarked on a hunger strike on 26 January, sewing his mouth closed with thread. His wife indicated to IPYS that […]

Link to: Radio Panamericana CX 44 enters fifth month off the air

Radio Panamericana CX 44 enters fifth month off the air

Source: Radio Panamericana CX 44 *** Update to IFEX CH advisories of 30 & 31 August and 2 September *** Radio Panamericana CX 44, the most important opposition radio station in Uruguay that was closed by presidential decree on 26 August, 1994, is still off the air. At the moment, the radio station is awaiting […]

Link to: Verdict overturned in the case of journalist Pedro Valdez Bernales; date for retrial imminent

Verdict overturned in the case of journalist Pedro Valdez Bernales; date for retrial imminent

Last week, the Supreme Court overturned the decision of an anonymous tribunal which had sentenced journalist Pedro Valdez Bernales to twenty years in jail. A retrial is set to happen. According to the Peruvian human rights organization APRODEH, whose lawyers are defending Valdez, news of the date of the retrial should come at the beginning […]

Link to: Canal 11 RBC television signal interrupted for four days

Canal 11 RBC television signal interrupted for four days

Television channel Canal 11 RBC’s signal was interrupted on 4 January 1995 and the station was forced off the air for four days. On 4 January, during an interview with General Luis Cisneros Visquerra on the show “Women Have the Say” in which he made remarks against the government, the channel went off the air […]