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445 articles
Link to: Authorities refuse to provide information to journalists with “El Día”

Authorities refuse to provide information to journalists with “El Día”

(IAPA/IFEX) – For several weeks now, the Minister of Justice and Security for the Province of Buenos Aires, Leon Arslanián, has withheld information concerning public security to journalists with “El Día” in La Plata, saying that the it is “a bad daily newspaper that publishes permanent and unnecessary attacks against me.” The minister’s action has […]

Link to: Journalist threatened

Journalist threatened

(RSF/IFEX) – On 1 February 1998, the residence of David Leiva, director of both Nueva Argentina radio and the San Ramon in the Nueva Oran (in the northern province of Salta) bimonthly “La Opinion” was the target of numerous gun shots. The journalist had received many death threats by phone and mail since the publication […]

Link to: Photojournalist who spoke at commemoration of murder of journalist Cabezas receives threats; other threats against journalists

Photojournalist who spoke at commemoration of murder of journalist Cabezas receives threats; other threats against journalists

(Periodistas/IFEX) – On 26 January 1998, a day after the massive public call for justice in the January 1997 murder of journalist Jose Luis Cabezas, Esteban Mac Allister, Vice-President of the photojournalists’ association, the Asociacion de Reporteros Graficos (ARGRA), received a threatening message on his Buenos Aires office answering machine. “You’re dead, you’re dead,” (“Has […]

Link to: Arson attack against “El Oeste” newspaper

Arson attack against “El Oeste” newspaper

(Periodistas/IFEX) – On 25 December 1997, the Esquel daily “El Oeste” was the target of a deliberate arson attack that resulted in the near total loss of the newspaper’s files, part of its photographic archives as well as the near destruction of the paper’s offices. According to police, the arsonists are thought to have entered […]

Link to: President insults journalist Horacio Verbitsky once again

President insults journalist Horacio Verbitsky once again

(Periodistas/IFEX) – On 23 November 1997, during an interview with a group of female journalists, President Carlos Menem referred to Horacio Verbitsky, a founding member of Periodistas, in a disparaging manner because of a journalistic investigation published that day in the daily “Pagina/12”. According to official information made public by the Press and Publication Secretariat […]

Link to: Radio stations resume broadcasting

Radio stations resume broadcasting

(AMARC/IFEX) – Judges in Argentina have ordered the return of equipment confiscated from the community radio stations FM Del Sol 98.1, FM Ilusiones 98.5 and four other stations after they found that there was no case against them. The radio stations resumed broadcasting on 14 October 1997. **Updates IFEX alert dated 5 September 1997** Background […]

Link to: Journalist assaulted by government minister

Journalist assaulted by government minister

(Periodistas/IFEX) – On 8 October 1997, the Cordoba Press Association (Circulo Sindical de Prensa de Cordoba) reported that a journalist in Villa Dolores, Miguel Izquierdo, had been “kicked and insulted” by Head of Cabinet Jorge Rodriguez, apparently for “asking questions that allegedly bothered him,” during a visit by Rodriguez to the city, located in the […]

Link to: Police officers who detained and threatened photographer Delfo Rodriguez sanctioned; businessman Alfredo Yabran still suspected of being behind murder of journalist Jose Luis Cabezas

Police officers who detained and threatened photographer Delfo Rodriguez sanctioned; businessman Alfredo Yabran still suspected of being behind murder of journalist Jose Luis Cabezas

(Periodistas/IFEX) – The government of Mendoza province ordered the arrest of three police officers implicated in the unorthodox arrest, on 4 October, of sub-director of photography for the daily “Los Andes”, Delfo Rodriguez. Minister of Governance Angel Cirasino stated that sub-chief of police Pedro Pereyra, sub-inspector Eduardo Torres and Ruben Quintana of the Fifth Section […]

Link to: Businessman suspected of being involved in murder of photographer Jose Luis Cabezas ordered to appear before judge

Businessman suspected of being involved in murder of photographer Jose Luis Cabezas ordered to appear before judge

(Periodistas/IFEX) – On 1 October 1997, Jose Luis Macchi, a judge in Dolores who is overseeing the investigation of the murder of photographer Jose Luis Cabezas on 25 January 1997 in Pinamar, summoned businessman Alfredo Yabran to appear in court on 10 October “to provide information in regard to the crimes of illegal deprivation of […]

Link to: Doubts around alleged attack on journalist Santiago Pinetta

Doubts around alleged attack on journalist Santiago Pinetta

A 9 August 1996 report sent to FIP from FIP member the Argentine Federation of Press Workers (Federacion Argentina de Trabajadores de Prensa, FATPREN) casts doubt on reports of an attack on journalist Santiago Pinetta. **Updates IFEX alerts of 8 and 2 August 1996** According to FATPREN, the Chief of the federal police practically accused […]

Link to: Further information on attack on journalist Santiago Pinetta

Further information on attack on journalist Santiago Pinetta

On 31 July 1996, journalist Santiago Pinetta was assaulted by four men who etched the acronym “IBM” on his thorax and belly with a sharp object. The medical report stated that Pinetta had received twenty cuts to his body. **Provides further details to IFEX alert dated 2 August 1996** In articles published especially in the […]

Link to: FM Latinoamericana community radio station’s equipment stolen

FM Latinoamericana community radio station’s equipment stolen

In the early hours of 21 May 1996, unknown individuals stole audio equipment from the FM Latinoamericana radio station, a community radio station based in the Buenos Aires neighbourhood of Saavedra. As the station’s staff were getting ready to broadcast, they discovered the equipment was missing and that threats had been painted on the walls […]

Link to: Proposed anti-corruption legislation could restrict press freedom

Proposed anti-corruption legislation could restrict press freedom

Source: “El Claron”, Buenos Aires On 15 May 1996, Argentine President Carlos Menem introduced a bill to fight government corruption which would allow access to statements of the personal wealth of public officials. However, the bill could pose a threat to press freedom, since it calls for prison terms for those individuals who circulate that […]

Link to: Government withdraws libel and defamation bills

Government withdraws libel and defamation bills

**Updates IFEX alert dated 11 January 1995** On 23 May 1995, the government withdrew two bills introduced by Minister of Justice Rodolfo Barra at the end of 1994. After presidential approval, the bills went to Congress in January. The proposed reforms called for an increase in penalties for libel and defamation, and required newspapers to […]

Link to: Journalist Guillermo Cherasny shot

Journalist Guillermo Cherasny shot

On the morning of 12 June 1995, journalist Guillermo Cherasny, a producer with Radio Libertad who also contributes to the weekly “El Informador Publico”, was shot twice in the back by unknown assailants on his way to work at the radio station. It is not known whether the attack on Cherasny, who is renowned for […]