Australia: Concern over hike in secret access to journalists’ data
Australian Federal Police were granted six warrants to access journalists’ data on 20 occasions.

Australia: Axing of Arts Department a fresh blow for struggling sector
“… as we have seen with the erosion of the public’s right to know and attacks on press freedom, this is a government that is intent on silencing the storytellers, particularly those who confront it on issues it would rather keep hidden.”

Australia: Media industry must unite against gender-based online abuse
A report about the online harassment of women media workers and proposed strategies to counter gender-based abuse.

Australia: MEAA joins media organisations in campaign for the public’s right to know
Media groups have launched an unprecedented united campaign for reforms to protect media freedom, whistleblowers and the public’s right to know.

Australia: Media groups call for reforms to protect press freedom
14 media companies and associations, including the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance, has submitted recommendations to the Parliament on laws that need to be reviewed in order to uphold press freedom.

Australia: Police raids a disturbing ‘new normal’ that seeks to criminalise journalism
Police in Australia raided media offices and the home of a journalist within 24 hours.

How the public’s right to know is being undermined in Australia
The foreword to the MEAA report into the state of press freedom in Australia in 2019

Writers call for the release of Kurdish refugee Behrouz Boochani
Dozens of Australian writers have signed a letter calling for the release of Behrouz Boochani from the Manus Island detention centre.

Australia urged to overhaul defamation law
MEAA said there is an urgent need for an overhaul of Australia’s outdated defamation laws.

Australia: Calls to secure independence of national broadcaster ABC
There are allegations of attempts by the ABC chairman to fire a journalist in response to political pressure.

Australia: New video on cruel ‘offshore processing’ policy
This month marks the fifth anniversary of refugees suffering on Manus, Nauru islands

Australia criminalises journalism: A new report
Among other issues noted in MEAA’s new report is a new draft law that could lock journalists up for 20 years – simply for reporting information in the public interest.

How Australia’s security bill threatens journalists and whistleblowers
The National Security Legislation Amendment Bill could result in journalists being sent to prison just for receiving classified information.

After four years of detention on Manus Island refugee camp, cartoonist Eaten Fish is now free
Cartoonist Ali Durani, better known as Eaten Fish, has arrived in a safe haven country.

Australia: Address sexual harassment cases in media companies
A survey in Australia revealed that of 1000 participants, some 48% of women respondents have experienced intimidation, abuse or sexual harassment in the workplace.

Australia: Media diversity and jobs to be lost under ‘reforms’
Legislation expected to be passed to remove the two-out-of-three ownership rule will mean an inevitable loss of diversity in the Australian media, says the union for Australian journalists and media workers.