Japanese journalist missing in Chechnya
(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Russian Minister of the Interior Vladimir Rushailo and Minister of Information Mikhail Lesin, RSF expressed its concern about the fate of Japanese journalist Kosuke Tsuneoka, who went to report from Chechnya in July 2001. His family and friends have not heard from him since. RSF urged the Russian authorities […]

CPJ condemns new restrictions on journalists in Chechnya
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 27 July 2001 CPJ press release: RUSSIA: MILITARY TIGHTENS RESTRICTIONS ON JOURNALISTS IN CHECHNYA New York, July 27, 2001 — Under strict new rules prescribed by the Russian military, journalists covering the ongoing conflict in Chechnya must be accompanied by an official from the press service of the Interior […]

New attempts to censor journalists covering developments in Chechnya
(IPI/IFEX) – In a 27 July 2001 letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin, IPI expressed its deep concern about the Russian army’s latest attempt to censor journalists covering developments in Chechnya. According to IPI’s sources, on 26 July, journalists based in Khankala, the Russian military headquarters for Chechnya, were told by army officials that when […]

New restrictions on news from Chechnya
(GDF/IFEX) – On 11 September 2000, the Vologodskaya oblast military district departments received orders from the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Internal Affairs. These included instructions to take under military control all local press publications about Chechnya affairs. The editorial staff of the newspaper “Novaya Zhizn”(“New Life”) in the town of Babayevo were informed […]

Russia continues to violate the European Convention on Human Rights in Chechnya
(RSF/IFEX) – The following is a 26 June 2000 RSF press release: In Chechnya, Russia continues to violate the European Convention on Human Rights The war in the Chechen Republic has now been going on for nearly nine months, and Russia has satisfied none of the requirements set by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council […]

In an open letter to Council of Europe and European Union representatives, RSF draws attention to media coverage of the war in Chechnya
(RSF/IFEX) – The following is a 12 April 2000 RSF press release: In an open letter to Council of Europe and European Union representatives, RSF draws attention to media coverage of the war in Chechnya In a letter to Brian Cowen, Chairperson of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, the international press freedom organisation […]

Exhibition of photographs by Brice Fleutiaux, held hostage in Chechnya since October 1999
**For background information on Fleutiaux’s case, see IFEX alerts of 10 February 2000 and 2 December 1999** (RSF/IFEX) – The following is an RSF press release: 2 March 2000 Exhibition of photographs by Brice Fleutiaux, held hostage in Chechnya since October 1999 Brice Fleutiaux, an independent French photographer, has been detained in Chechnya since October […]

Photographer feared dead in Chechnya
The following is a 29 February 2000 CPJ press release: RUSSIA: PHOTOGRAPHER FEARED DEAD IN CHECHNYA New York, February 29, 2000 — CPJ is investigating reports that a Russian photographer kidnapped by Chechen rebels has been murdered. ITAR-TASS news agency photographer Vladimir Yatsina, 51, had been missing since July 19, 1999, following his arrival in […]

GDF appeals to media organisations for Chechnya refugee assistance
(GDF/IFEX) – The following is a 16 November 1999 GDF appeal to media organisations and others for Chechnya refugee assistance: November 16, 1999 Based on journalists’ reports from the Caucasian theatre of operations and findings of HRO special missions (see: www.poli.ru/index-dossier/refugees), and also taking into account current Russian information policy, we have to state with […]

Kidnappers release ITAR-TASS correspondent in Chechnya
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 23 June 1999 CPJ press release: **Updates IFEX alerts of 20 April, 31 March and 30 March 1999** Kidnappers release ITAR-TASS correspondent in Chechnya New York, N.Y., June 23, 1999 – A Chechen correspondent for the Russian ITAR-TASS news agency abducted by unknown assailants nearly three months ago was […]

Two Ukrainian journalists missing in Chechnya; a third reportedly missing
Vitaly Shevchenko and Andrei Bazvluka, two television journalists from Lita-M, a small television company in Kharkhiv, Ukraine, have been reported missing by their colleagues. Fellow correspondents last saw the pair in the city of Grozny on 11 August 1996, during heavy fighting between Russian federal troops and Chechen fighters who had seized control of the […]

Journalists trapped in Chechnya hostel reportedly rescued; CPJ appeals to both sides in Chechen conflict for journalists’ safety
On 12 August 1996, ITOGI television news and other news sources reported that Russian and foreign journalists trapped in a hostel in Grozny, the capital of the secessionist Russian republic of Chechnya, had been rescued and taken safely out of Grozny by Russian forces. On 10 August 1996, CPJ urged both sides in the Chechen […]

U.S. journalist Andrew Shumek reported missing in Chechnya
The United States (U.S.) Embassy in Moscow has asked the Russian Foreign Ministry to help find missing U.S. journalist Andrew Shumek. The 26-year-old photographer was last seen on 28 July, when he left Grozny and headed toward the surrounding mountainous area. According reports from other journalists, Shumek arrived in Grozny from St. Petersburg on 24 […]

Correspondent Vladimir Zhitolenko killed
“Krasnaya Zvezda” (“Red Star”) correspondent Vladimir Zhitolenko was killed on 31 December 1994. “Krasnaya Zvezda” is the daily newspaper of the Russian Ministry of Defence. Zhitolenko was stepping out of an armoured personnel carrier in Grozny when he was hit with by two bullets. CPJ fears that press conditions in Chechnya may deteriorate as has […]