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177 articles
Link to: Aysén protests and student rallies have worrying impact on journalists’ safety

Aysén protests and student rallies have worrying impact on journalists’ safety

“At issue once again are the abuses by the security forces, especially the carabinero militarized police,” said RSF.

Link to: Government scraps plan to force journalists to inform police

Government scraps plan to force journalists to inform police

While a controversial section of the so-called “Hinzpeter Law” has been withdrawn, the bill is still in the hands of Congress.

Link to: Community media under attack

Community media under attack

The Agro TV community television station suffered an attack that resulted in the collapse of its broadcast tower and the destruction of most of its equipment.

Link to: Three news websites hacked, newspaper publisher bombed

Three news websites hacked, newspaper publisher bombed

A bomb explosion outside the Copesa building on the night of 1 November shattered some windows but caused no injuries. The building houses “La Tercera”, one of Chile’s leading dailies.

Link to: More media freedom violations feared as protests continue

More media freedom violations feared as protests continue

The concern is justified by the many cases of abuses committed by security force personnel at previous demonstrations, says RSF.

Link to: Bill would criminalise protests, turn journalists into police informers

Bill would criminalise protests, turn journalists into police informers

The bill, which emerged following a wave of protests by students and others, would violate basic rights by criminalising the expression of opinions in public.

Link to: Mounting abuses and violence against journalists amid continuing student protests

Mounting abuses and violence against journalists amid continuing student protests

Concerned about the explosive social climate, RSF urges the security forces to ensure control within their ranks and calls on the protesters to refrain from dangerous excesses.

Link to: Citizen activism challenges protected media oligopoly, concludes RSF

Citizen activism challenges protected media oligopoly, concludes RSF

During a visit to Chile in June for the 20th anniversary of community radio station Radio Tierra, RSF saw how the issue of news and information is playing a central role in this upsurge of citizen unrest.

Link to: Photographer arrested while covering protest against major hydroelectric project

Photographer arrested while covering protest against major hydroelectric project

Mapuexpress website staff told RSF that Marcela Rodríguez was mistreated by police.

Link to: Authorities shut down three community radio stations

Authorities shut down three community radio stations

Police officers shut down Radio Felicidad, Tentación and Radio 24, seizing the last two stations’ broadcasting equipment.

Link to: IAPA condemns mistreatment of press in Chile; expresses concern over attack on journalist in Aruba

IAPA condemns mistreatment of press in Chile; expresses concern over attack on journalist in Aruba

IAPA has condemned the violence unleashed against the press during street demonstrations marking the anniversary of the coup that overthrew the government of Salvador Allende.

Link to: Journalist who covers Mapuche conflict arrested

Journalist who covers Mapuche conflict arrested

Marcelo Garay Vergara is accused of failing to respond to a court summons in relation to a year-old report about a land dispute in the Mapuche territory.

Link to: Documentary maker assaulted by mayor’s security guards

Documentary maker assaulted by mayor’s security guards

Jaime Díaz Lavanchy was verbally assaulted by the mayor of Ñuñoa and attacked by his security guards and supporters while filming a municipal council meeting.

Link to: On World Press Freedom Day, AMARC asserts communication rights of disaster-hit communities

On World Press Freedom Day, AMARC asserts communication rights of disaster-hit communities

Community radio stations played a vital role in disaster recovery and reconstruction after the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile.

Link to: Chile’s community radio stations have key role in disaster response

Chile’s community radio stations have key role in disaster response

AMARC applauds the rapid response of Chile’s community radio stations to the recent earthquake and calls for legal measures to facilitate community broadcasting.

Link to: Court dismisses libel case filed by former lieutenant against journalist

Court dismisses libel case filed by former lieutenant against journalist

Edwin Dimter Bianchi, a former army lieutenant, had pressed criminal charges against journalist Pascale Bonnefoy Miralles in 2006.