East Timorese journalists express concern over proposed media laws
The IFJ joins the Timor Lorosa’e Journalists’ Association in raising concerns about East Timor’s pending draft media legislation and its impact on press freedom and freedom of expression after a recent round of media consultations on the law.

East Timor takes on Australia over commercial spying allegations
In late 2013, the Australian intelligence services raided the offices of a lawyer representing East Timor in an international case against Australia. The case concerns allegations that Australia spied on East Timor’s cabinet during sensitive commercial negotiations over oil and gas revenues.

RWB welcomes creation of press council in East Timor and code of ethics
Reporters Without Borders welcomes the holding of an historic congress of East Timor journalists and the results obtained, but stresses that only the creation of a favorable environment for the press would lead to true self-regulation of the media.

Odd verdict on East Timor journalist defamation case
A court in Dili, East Timor has fined two journalists in a defamation case while acquitting them of criminal liability.

Court verdict due on defamation trial of two East Timorese journalists
Journalists should not be criminalised for doing their work, said SEAPA, in reference to two East Timorese journalists who are facing defamation charges for reporting on a district prosecutor suspected of receiving a bribe.

Community radio broadcaster attacked in East Timor
Broadcaster Leoneto da Cruz Goncalves of Radio Rakambia in East Timor was stabbed by two unidentified individuals.

IFJ worried by threat against newspaper
The “Tempo Semanal” editor said he was concerned for the welfare of the organisation’s personnel after receiving a threatening e-mail.

Ten years after murder of “Financial Times” correspondent in East Timor, commemoration in London condemns impunity
IPI warns Indonesia’s commitment to democracy is undermined by its apparent lack of will to end the impunity connected with the killing of Sander Thoenes and other journalists.

ARTICLE 19 analyses draft media policy
While noting some positive features of the policy, ARTICLE 19 highlights a number of concerns as well, including the recommendation of a form of licencing for journalists.

Australia investigates “Balibo Five” murders as war crimes
The Australian police investigation aims to establish whether the journalists’ murders can be prosecuted as war crimes under the Geneva Conventions.

Regional press freedom groups alarmed by draft media laws
(SEAPA/IFEX) – Regional press freedom groups call on TL's parliament to reconsider passage of laws that threaten free expression.

Draft media laws are good step forward, but must be revised, says ARTICLE 19
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is a 20 March 2009 ARTICLE 19 press release: Timor Leste: Analysis of Media Laws ARTICLE 19 has prepared a Memorandum assessing the compatibility of a set of five draft laws on media regulation and the right to information – prepared on behalf of the UNDP for consideration by the […]

World Report 2009: Timor-Leste
World Report 2009: Timor-Leste

Government vows to decriminalise defamation
(SEAPA/IFEX) – The government of Timor Leste announced on 24 September 2008 its decision to decriminalise the country’s Defamation Law, a move that was welcomed by the Timor Lorosa’e Journalists Association (TLJA). Minister of Justice Lucia Lobato announced to members of the press gathered at the national parliament that the government will remove the Defamation […]

World Report 2008: East Timor
World Report 2008: East Timor

Freedom of the Press 2007: East Timor
Freedom of the Press 2007: East Timor