Critical radio and TV stations closed down in Napo province
The stations’ owner said that his media outlets have criticized authorities and have given the public a space to express itself.

TV station closed, equipment seized in Morona Santiago
The closure is the result of a 2011 court decision to cancel Telesangay’s contract, a decision that had political undertones.

Seventeen states request respect for freedom of expression
Seventeen states from the Americas, Europe and Asia suggested that the Ecuadorian government should respect and guarantee the freedoms of the press and of expression in the country.

Join the Fight: Critics Are Not Criminals/ Únase a la campaña: Los críticos no son delincuentes (English and Spanish follow)
Join the Fight: Critics Are Not Criminals The Committee to Protect Journalists has launched a new campaign, “Critics Are Not Criminals,” to help fight the criminalization of speech in the Americas. And we need your help. For more than a decade, courts and legislatures throughout the region have found that civil remedies provide adequate redress […]

Government uses telecast to discredit journalist, human rights report
The telecast interrupted Ecuavisa’s news programme and was aimed at discrediting interviewer Gabriela Baer and a report by the Simón Bolivar Andean University.

New media bill should be scrapped, says CPJ
In a letter to the President of the National Assembly, Fernando Cordero Cueva, the Committee to Protect Journalists expresses its concern about a new communications bill that includes new restrictions that could limit the rights of citizens to inform and be informed.

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here [image: librexpresion] * * *RED DE MONITOREO DE AMENAZAS A LA LIBERTAD DE PRENSA* * ALERTA No. 453* *PERIODISTA DE RADIO RENUNCIA A CORRESPONSALÍA TRAS SER SOMETIDO A CENSURA* *Miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012 * El 27 marzo de 2012, el periodista y Juan Alcívar, corresponsal de […]

Fundamedios reports increased hostility towards media in first quarter of 2012
Attacks against the media, journalists and members of the public who were exercising their right to free expression increased, in comparison with the same time period in previous years.

Correa questions IACHR and maligns Fundamedios
President Rafael Correa made the statements in relation to a recent meeting between a government delegation, led by Foreign Affairs Minister Ricardo Patiño, and members of the IACHR, to talk about the sentence against the newspaper “El Universo”.

Trial against “El Gran Hermano” authors continues after proposed pardon is rejected
The authors’ attorney that the trial will continue because no legal procedure exists as a possible way to end a civil trial. “What the court has done is request that, if the process is to come to an end, that it is done according to the law”.

State newspaper editor-in-chief receives death threats after publishing criticisms
Orlando Pérez, editor-in-chief and feature writer of the state newspaper “El Telégrafo”, reported in his column that he has received several email death threats because of critical comments he made against the right wing political sector.

Government officials threaten, intimidate local journalists
The Minister of the Interior warned he may initiate legal proceedings against Teleamazonas TV station if it does not present evidence of information, allegedly voiced during its news program, stating that the police had used teargas bombs during the marches that took place in Quito.

Government media personnel prevented from covering indigenous movement march
Máximo Barba, a correspondent for Ecuador TV, was physically assaulted and prevented from covering an indigenous march as it passed through the city of Ambato.

Newspaper owner attacked by athlete
In the accusation filed before the town prosecutor’s office, Javier Granados detailed that Samuel Rivera hit him several times and attempted to strangle him, but was stopped by several people who were nearby.

IFEX-ALC acknowledges Ecuadoran president’s decision
IFEX-ALC values the pardon granted by President Rafael Correa, exempting three directors of the daily “El Universo” and a former feature writer from a sentence of three years in prison and a US$40 million fine, and refraining from pursuing further judicial action against the authors of the book “El Gran Hermano”.

Authors’ attorney rejects offer of pardon from president
Ramiro Aguilar, the journalists’ lawyer, stated in a writ presented before the Second Civil Division of the Court of Justice of Pichincha, that “there can be no pardon in this case, because there is no outstanding obligation to pay”.