Camera operator detained, assaulted by police
José Rivera, of the Teleamazonas TV station, was covering a story outside the offices of the National Electoral Council in Guayaquil.

Prosecutor asks for prison sentence and US$1.5 million from journalists and directors of Manabí media group
Prosecutor Gloria Alexandra Bravo Cedeño was angered over the media group’s coverage of an allegation that she had received a bribe.

News crews harassed
An Ecuavisa TV news crew was prevented from filming outside the ruling party’s headquarters in Quito, during a meeting held by Alianza País’s executive committee with President Rafael Correa.

Government tries to discredit journalists and media during television broadcasts
The telecasts were broadcast a little less than a week before the referendum was scheduled to be held.

Authorities detain individual accused of offending prosecutor on his blog
Víctor Vizcaíno Luzuriaga was detained in Guayaquil by police officers after being accused of having offended the Pichincha State Prosecutor General, through material that was posted on his blog.

Journalists face second legal action in connection with investigative book
Juan Carlos Calderón and Christian Zurita, authors of the book “El Gran Hermano”, are facing a civil lawsuit filed by Minister of Transport and Public Works María de los Ángeles Duarte.

Radio journalist sentenced to one year in prison for malicious slander
Walter Vite Benítez told Fundamedios that he is being persecuted because of his criticisms of the Esmeraldas local government on his radio programme.

Radio journalists resign, denounce pressure to tone down their rhetoric
Pablo and Lindon Sanmartín Rodríguez resigned from Radio Satelital after being asked to censor information on certain topics.

Ecuadorian embassy official prevents distribution of book at Buenos Aires book festival
The official claimed the book “El Gran Hermano”, was “full of lies, and against the government”.

Authorities use national telecast to attack two journalists
The government targeted Teleamazonas journalists Jeanette Hinostroza and Bernardo Abad, after the two questioned the detentions of two citizens accused of attacking the president.

Referendum threatens press freedom, says CPJ
The upcoming referendum may restrict news content and weaken news media companies, CPJ noted.

Amazon-based radio station closed by police
Station owner Wilson Cabrera reported that during the police operation, cables were cut and the station’s transmission equipment was removed.

President demands US$80 million in case against newspaper, directors and feature writer
Three “El Universo” directors and journalist Emilio Palacio are being accused of “malicious slander” in connection with a February 2011 article.

Journalists attacked and prevented from covering event by indigenous community
The group included David Torres, of Gama TV, Washington Benalcázar, a correspondent for the newspaper “El Comercio Imbabura”; Christian Tinajero, of Ecuavisa TV station; and Enrique Portilla of RTS.

Journalist receives death threat after publishing article
Antonio Medrano received a phone call from an unidentified person who threatened to kill him, saying he would have to “face the consequences” for an article he published about constant complaints from Provincial Transportation Council users.

Sports journalists harassed by football fans
Fans of the Portoviejo University Sports League shouted obscenities and lunged at Pedro Anibal Fernández, Ramón Morales Verduga and Héctor Barre after a football match.