President files US$10 million lawsuit against two investigative journalists
Juan Carlos Calderón and Christian Zurita are being sued over their book “Gran Hermano”, an investigation into contracts signed between the president’s brother and the State.

Individual assaulted by presidential guard for referring to president as a “fascist”
Marcos Luis Sovenis was assaulted by members of the Presidential Guard after he shouted “fascist” at the presidential convoy during the chief of state’s visit to the city of Babahoyo, 340km west of Quito.

Newspaper faces lawsuit for publishing allegations against local prefect
The owner of “El Vocero” said that he has also been receiving threatening telephone calls in which he is told to refrain from publishing allegations against the prefect.

Authorities release former radio director accused of terrorism and sabotage
José Acacho, former director of La Voz de Arutam station and an indigenous leader, was released from prison after a writ of habeas corpus was accepted by the court.

Municipality suspends advertising contracts with critical radio stations
The Wradio, K1 and Radio Splendid radio stations have been affected by the withdrawal of municipal government advertising following broadcasts of critical news items.

Former radio director and indigenous leader detained, accused of terrorism and sabotage
José Acacho was detained as part of legal proceedings being carried out against him after he was accused of using the La Voz de Arutam radio station to instigate public protests.

Journalist’s programme interrupted by official telecast
The morning programme “Desayunos 24 Horas”, which is hosted by María Josefa Coronel and broadcast on Teleamazonas TV station, was interrupted by an official announcement.

Judge rejects journalist’s appeal, sends case to trial
An appeal filed by journalist Freddy Aponte was rejected and an order of committal to trial was instead confirmed after he failed to pay compensation to the former mayor of Loja.

Magazine prevented from recovering information from seized hard drives
On two occasions, personnel from “Vanguardia” magazine have not been allowed to access information contained on confiscated computers, despite a judge’s order allowing them to do so.

CONATEL determines that radio station critical of the government should be shut down
The owner of the station believes that the refusal to renew his broadcast licence is related to his criticism of the government.

Magazine’s equipment seized during police operation
“I hope for the good of the country that this is not some kind of reprisal against us and our editorial line”, said the magazine’s editor.

Journalist kidnapped, threatened with death
Sports writer Guido Manolo Campaña was kidnapped while he was working on an investigation in the coastal region of Esmeraldas.

Journalist accused of terrorism assaulted a second time
Juan Alcívar’s assailant said he was going to kill him “if he continued to speak ill” of the mayor of the town of La Concordia.

Journalists receive death threats
Hugo Gavilánez says the threats he has received are linked to his outspoken stance against crime, broadcast on Canal Uno television’s news programmes.

Newspaper’s offices attacked
The offices of the “El Universo” newspaper were attacked by unidentified individuals who shattered the glass in one of the building’s front doors.

Camera operator threatened during protest at border
Andrés Ramírez was harassed by a local resident who prevented him from carrying out his work and threatened him with a firearm.