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1040 articles

Egypt: Recent decision on Case 173 does not mean that the human rights crisis is over

Despite the dismissal of charges in the long-running NGO foreign funding case, human rights defenders continue to face ongoing persecution.

Egypt: Rights group and its director threatened and smeared

18 civil society organizations denounce reprisals against Sinai Foundation following reports on Gaza border activity.

Egypt: Editor of independent news outlet faces charges in renewed attack on press freedom

PEN International calls for all charges against Lina Attalah to be dropped and for an end to the crackdown on press freedom.

Thirteen years after Mubarak ouster: Egypt grapples with unprecedented repression and economic instability

After a decade of al-Sisi’s brutal authoritarian rule protesters’ calls for “bread, freedom, and social justice” are further away than ever before.

Egypt: Court punishes activists for challenging al-Sisi

Prison sentences aim at deterring peaceful dissent.

Egypt: Alarming new law expands military power amid fears of popular unrest

The law further transforms the military into a police force to suppress potential public discontent.

Egypt: Authorities must stop targeting independent news website Mada Masr

The persistent targeting of Mada Masr and its staff is indicative of the Egyptian authorities’ systematic prosecution and detainment of journalists.

Alaa Abd El-Fattah – An urgent appeal to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention

The prominent activist has spent much of the past decade imprisoned in Egypt for his writing and activism.

Egypt: Targeting of Al-Tantawy underscores illegitimacy of upcoming elections

Rights groups reaffirm the impossibility of holding genuine elections amid a repressive climate.

Egypt: Sentencing of Hesham Kassem confirms National Dialogue is a farce, warn rights groups

Egyptian authorities clearly remain committed to their zero-tolerance policy towards dissent.

Egypt: Recent arbitrary practices show no intent to improve human rights situation

Detention of journalist Ahmed Gamal Ziada’s father reflects the growing trend of authorities targeting families of dissident critics.

Egypt: Armed clashes in Sinai raise questions about security situation amid media blackout

Pressing authorities for facts, rights groups call for an end to decade-long ban on media coverage in Sinai.

Egypt’s worst decade for human rights

The government’s counter-terrorism architecture has been used to consolidate authoritarianism and crush peaceful dissent.

Egypt: Rights groups condemn latest blocking of news websites

The continued blocking of websites exacerbates violations against the right to free media and access to information.

Egypt: Poet Galal El-Behairy is at risk after 80 days on hunger strike

PEN International believes the jailed poet is being targeted for his writings critical of Egyptian authorities.

Egypt adds human rights defenders to new terrorism lists after launch of ‘national dialogue’

Authorities use terrorism lists as a tool to suppress citizens’ freedom of expression and association, rights groups say.