Europe & Central Asia

Europe & Central Asia
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Europe & Central Asia

8388 articles
Link to: Journalist sentenced to twenty-month prison term

Journalist sentenced to twenty-month prison term

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF is protesting ther sentencing of journalist Nuredin Sirin to a twenty-month prison term. On 18 December 1998, Sirin, an editorialist with the Islamic daily “Selam”, was sentenced by Istanbul’s State Security Court No. 1 to a twenty-month prison term for “inciting hatred and racial discrimination through a publication” (Article 312 of the […]

Link to: Positive court ruling for independent newspaper

Positive court ruling for independent newspaper

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – On 22 December 1998 the Belarus Supreme Economic Court cancelled a formal warning by the State Committee on the Press to the independent Belarusian-language newspaper “Nasha Niva”. **Updates IFEX alert of 5 August 1998. For further background to harassment of “Nasha Niva”, see IFEX alerts of 27 June 1997 and 18 November […]

Link to: Greek Foreign Minister attacks journalists

Greek Foreign Minister attacks journalists

(GHM/IFEX) – The following is a 23 December 1998 GHM press release further to an attack on journalists and others by Greek Foreign Minister Theodoros Pangalos during an official visit to Macedonia: Press Release 23/12/1998 Government, parties & human rights organizations must condemn intolerant statements by Foreign Minister Pangalos The cooperating non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Greek […]

Link to: “Feral Tribune” journalists acquitted

“Feral Tribune” journalists acquitted

(CPJ/IFEX) – Zagreb Municipal Court Judge Marin Mrcela on 21 December 1998 once again acquitted “Feral Tribune” editor Viktor Ivancic and reporter Marinko Culic on charges they insulted Croatian President Franjo Tudjman in an April 1996 article and photomontage in the satirical weekly, CPJ has learned. **Updates IFEX alerts of 21 December, 24 November, 30 […]

Link to: Croatian papers under pressure

Croatian papers under pressure

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ is greatly troubled by the burgeoning number of libel convictions and further harassment of independent newspapers in Croatia. **Updates IFEX alert of 24 November 1998. ** There are currently almost 300 criminal proceedings against journalists, and more than 600 civil law suits against newspapers. In both cases, the majority of plaintiffs are […]

Link to: Serbian state-run university censors Internet

Serbian state-run university censors Internet

(HRW/IFEX) – On 21 December 1998, Human Rights Watch condemned a new clampdown on the Internet in Serbia, part of a concerted effort by President Slobodan Milosevic to stifle free expression and academic freedom. The university administration’s order prevents students, professors, and researchers throughout Serbia from accessing a website from OpenNet, the Internet branch of […]

Link to: Albanian language media threatened in Kosovo

Albanian language media threatened in Kosovo

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF is expressing concern regarding recent threats against Albanian language media in Kosovo. According to RSF’s information, on 16 December 1998, Serbian Information Minister Aleksander Vucic sent a letter to several Albanian language newspapers in Pristina (main city in Kosovo) threatenening them with lawsuits. These threats are notably directed at the dailies “Bujku” […]

Link to: Libel suits proliferate in Azerbaijan

Libel suits proliferate in Azerbaijan

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ is expressing grave concern about the proliferation of criminal and civil libel cases filed by officials against the independent and opposition press in Azerbaijan since the reelection of Heidar Aliyev as president on 11 October 1998. **Updates IFEX alerts of 15 December, 26 November, 23 November and 19 November 1998** Dozens of […]

Link to: Journalist charged with slander

Journalist charged with slander

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF is expressing concern regarding the criminal proceedings brought against the journalist Gunduz Tahirli. According to RSF’s information, on 14 December 1998, criminal proceedings for “slander” were brought against Tahirli, editor-in-chief of the daily “Azadlig”. That same day, the newspaper was fined 500 million manat (FF715, 000, US$130, 000). The journalist is being […]

Link to: Police officers suspected in killing of journalist Göktepe released

Police officers suspected in killing of journalist Göktepe released

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF is expressing concern further to the temporary release of five police officers suspected in the 8 January 1996 killing of journalist Metin Göktepe. On 11 December 1998, the Crown Court of Afyon decided to temporarily release five of the six police officers suspected of killing Göktepe, who was a journalist with the […]

Link to: IPI protests Greek libel legislation

IPI protests Greek libel legislation

(IPI/IFEX) – IPI is deeply concerned about the Greek authorities’ escalating use of criminal libel legislation in an evident attempt to muzzle critical journalists. The organisation feels it imperative that this issue be brought to light at the EU summit meeting which Victor Klima, Federal Chancellor of Austria and President of the Council of the […]

Link to: Radio B92 and ANEM accused of being run by the British Embassy in Belgrade

Radio B92 and ANEM accused of being run by the British Embassy in Belgrade

(AMARC/IFEX) – The following is a 9 December 1998 press release by the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) distributed in its entirety by AMARC: ANEM press release Yugoslav Secretary of Information Accuses Radio B92 and ANEM of Being Run by the British Embassy in Belgrade Belgrade–December 9, 1998 In a show on the state-run […]

Link to: Prosecution and censorship continue

Prosecution and censorship continue

(AMARC/IFEX) – The following is a 8 December 1998 press release by the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) distributed in its entirety by AMARC: ANEM press release Prosecution and Censorship Continue December 8, 1998 Nikola Djuric, general manager of the banned ANEM affiliate City Radio in Nis, has received a summons for a hearing […]

Link to: Newspaper seized in Belgrade

Newspaper seized in Belgrade

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF is protesting the seizure of the weekly “Monitor” in Belgrade. According to RSF’s information, on 27 November 1998, copies of the Montenegrin weekly which were intended for Serbia were seized by the fiscal police at the offices of the publisher Stampa in Belgrade. **Updates IFEX alert of 20 November 1998** Background Information […]

Link to: Pasko still in custody despite pleas; health deteriorating

Pasko still in custody despite pleas; health deteriorating

(GDF/IFEX) – On 26 November 1998, a session of the Military Board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation was held examining the private complaint of Grigory Pasko’ s lawyers concerning the modification of measures imposed to secure the appearance of the defendant. At the session, the interests of the military journalist were represented […]

Link to: Journalist tortured

Journalist tortured

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF is protesting the torture of journalist Mehmet Eren by the anti-riot police (CRS) section of Diyarbakir. On 16 November 1998, Mehmet Eren, a reporter with the Kurdish language weekly “Hevi” and former correspondent with the Kurd periodicals “Rohani” and “Deng”, was questioned in Diyarbakir while covering the hunger strike by militants of […]