Europe & Central Asia

Europe & Central Asia
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Europe & Central Asia

8387 articles
Link to: Government instructions to exclude independent media discovered

Government instructions to exclude independent media discovered

(GDF/IFEX) – In a statement released on 27 May 1998, GDF announced that it has discovered the existence of a document signed by a senior official of the Belarusbank (Belarus’ central bank). As the document shows, state authorities are instructed not to give information to the independent media. The full text of the document and […]

Link to: Injunction banning sale of book; teacher charged with proselytism

Injunction banning sale of book; teacher charged with proselytism

(GHM/IFEX) – According to GHM, a report from the Reuters news agency has confirmed that a Greek court has slapped a temporary injunction on sales of a dictionary in the latest round of a dispute over an allegedly insulting definition contained in the book. On 26 May 1998, court officials in Thessaloniki (in northern Greece) […]

Link to: Journalist assaulted

Journalist assaulted

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information made available by RSF on 26 May 1998, at approximately 2:30 a.m. (local time) on 24 May, Adnan Gerger, a journalist with the private television chain ATV, was attacked by several unknown individuals. Gerger was attacked as he left his car and walked toward his home. His attackers blocked his […]

Link to: Journalist charged

Journalist charged

(HRW/IFEX) – According to information released by HRW on 21 May 1998, the Federal Security Service (FSB) is pressing espionage charges against military journalist Grigory Pasko, who was arrested on 20 November 1997. HRW is concerned that the charges against Pasko may be connected to his environmental activities and thus may violate article 19(2) of […]

Link to: Journalist harassed

Journalist harassed

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 20 May 1998, Elmar Huseinov, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Monitor”, has been subjected to legal harassment by the Azerbaijani authorities. On 16 May 1998, two officers from the Baku police department went to Huseinov’s house and asked him to follow them to the police station for […]

Link to: Television station closed; licence removed

Television station closed; licence removed

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 19 May 1998, on 11 May, authorities closed independent local television station TV Moslavina, which broadcasts from Kutina (southeast of Zagreb). The station also had its licence, which it had held for two years, removed. TV Moslavina’s management regards the actions of the authorities as a […]

Link to: Flawed tender in Serbia

Flawed tender in Serbia

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ strongly protests the manner in which an official tender of broadcast frequencies was conducted by the Yugoslav Ministry of Telecommunications on 16 May 1998. The result of this flawed tender process has been to deny the right of 178 independent television and radio stations to operate, and to impose exorbitant fees on […]

Link to: Journalists receive death threats

Journalists receive death threats

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 19 May 1998, on 15 May, Mercedes Mila, host of a debating programme on the television station Antena 3, and Jose Maria Calleja, a journalist with the television station Canal Plus Spain, were the victims of death threats. The threats were written in paint on the […]

Link to: “Feral Tribune” trial resumes in Croatia

“Feral Tribune” trial resumes in Croatia

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ is greatly concerned about the criminal libel trial initiated by Croatian President Franjo Tudjman against editor-in-chief Viktor Ivancic and correspondent Marinko Culic of the independent weekly “Feral Tribune”, which was scheduled to resume on Monday, 18 May 1998, in Zagreb. **Updates IFEX alerts of 19 December, 21 October and 6 May 1997, […]

Link to: Open Letter to Prime Minister Radoje Kontic, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Open Letter to Prime Minister Radoje Kontic, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

(CCPJ/IFEX) – Paris, 15 May 1998 – The following is an open letter to Prime Minister Radoje Kontic, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: We, journalists’ freedom of expression and human rights groups attending the annual general meeting of the International Freedom of Expression eXchange in Paris, are deeply disturbed by the decision to impose exorbitant fees […]

Link to: Journalist victim of bombing

Journalist victim of bombing

(RSF/IFEX) – Zenepe Luka, correspondent with the daily “Koha Jone” in Vlora, was the victim of a bombing attempt on 10 May 1998. Luka was incorrectly referred to as a man in IFEX alert of 12 May 1998. The Clearing House regrets the error. **Corrects IFEX alert of 12 May 1998**

Link to: Journalist victim of bombing

Journalist victim of bombing

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 12 May 1998, late in the evening of 10 May, explosives were placed at the door of Zenepe Luka’s home in an attempted bombing. Luka is a correspondent with the daily “Koha Jone” in Vlora (southern Albania). His two children and two young neighbours were slightly […]

Link to: Journalists detained

Journalists detained

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 12 May 1998, on 8 May, outside the Azerbaijani parliament, Milli Mejlis, five reporters were detained with other demonstrators while covering a picket protesting against a draft law on presidential elections. The following journalists were detained: Mubariz Zeynalli of “Panorama”, Mustafa Gajili of “525 Gazeta”, Ragib […]

Link to: Journalist attacked

Journalist attacked

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 11 May 1998, Ana Zarkova, a well-known journalist with the daily newspaper “Trud”, was attacked at a bus stop near her home in a Sofia residential district. An unknown assailant splashed her with acid, burning her face, left eye, neck, and arms. She is seriously injured […]

Link to: Atanassova faces new lawsuit

Atanassova faces new lawsuit

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ is urging Bulgarian authorities to review the five criminal libel convictions against Yovka Atanassova, the owner and editor of the independent local daily newspaper “Starozagorski Novini.” Atanassova was prosecuted under the provisions of the Bulgarian Penal Code (articles 146, 147, 148), which punish journalists with up to three years imprisonment for insult, […]

Link to: Journalist?s jail sentence renewed

Journalist?s jail sentence renewed

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 11 May 1998, the military prosecutor for the Far East region of the Russian Federation has renewed the imprisonment of Grigory Pasko. Pasko, who worked for the Russian Navy newspaper “Boevaya Vakhta” and for the Japanese media (the daily newspaper “Asaki” and the NHK television station) […]