Europe & Central Asia

Europe & Central Asia
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Europe & Central Asia

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Link to: Journalist attacked

Journalist attacked

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 11 May 1998, Stanislav Kholopov, editor-in-chief of the weekly “Stolitza-C”, was stabbed twice with a knife near his home in Saransk (240 km south of Gorki) on 16 April. He was immediately taken to hospital. A militia officer said that the attack could be linked to […]

Link to: Letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense

Letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is a letter written to William S. Cohen, U.S. Secretary of Defense, regarding the creation of a press control agency in Bosnia- Herzegovina. Vienna, 3 May 1998 Dear Mr. Secretary, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors and media executives, is most concerned over plans by the United […]

Link to: Journalists harassed; magazine seized

Journalists harassed; magazine seized

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 29 April 1998, journalists working for the magazine “Monitor” have been harassed and an issue of the magazine has been seized. On 12 April 1998, Interior Minister Usubov sent a letter to the “Monitor”‘s editorial office to demand a refutation of an article about torture, which […]

Link to: WPFC protests plan for press censorship panel

WPFC protests plan for press censorship panel

(WPFC/IFEX) – On 28 April 1998, the WPFC released a letter outlining its deep concern over plans by Western allies to set up a press censorship panel in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The WPFC’s position is that if those on the “right” side censor today, what is to prevent censorship tomorrow by the “wrong” side? This is a […]

Link to: Television station closed by authorities

Television station closed by authorities

(CPJ/IFEX) – According to CPJ, on 21 April 1998, officials from the Yugoslav Ministry of Telecommunications ordered local independent television station TV Pirot closed and confiscated the station’s equipment, saying that the station was not properly licensed. This action comes just weeks before the 15 May 1998 deadline for public disclosure of the Ministry of […]

Link to: Bosnia Press Control

Bosnia Press Control

(Freedom House/IFEX) – The following is a letter to the Editor of the New York Times from Leonard Sussman on press controls in Bosnia. It was printed 27 April 1998: 24 April 1998 To the Editor: The new press-control agency in Bosnia created by the United States and its allies seems to be outrageous censorship, […]

Link to: Writer to serve ten-month prison term

Writer to serve ten-month prison term

(WiPC/IFEX) – On 6 March 1998 Edip Polat, a writer and long-standing activist for Kurdish rights, was sentenced to a 10-month prison term under Article 159/1 of the Turkish Penal Code which prohibits “insult” of state organs. He was convicted for an article published in the now banned ‘Ozgur Gundem’ newspaper in July 1993, which […]

Link to: Proposed press legislation amendments would undermine press freedom

Proposed press legislation amendments would undermine press freedom

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following comments constitute an analysis by ARTICLE 19, the International Centre Against Censorship, of proposed amendments to Slovakia’s election legislation (Law No 80/1990). These proposed amendments are of great concern to ARTICLE 19 because, if passed, they would limit the freedom of the Slovak media, particularly the private electronic media and […]

Link to: Appeal of journalists Sheremet and Zavadsky denied

Appeal of journalists Sheremet and Zavadsky denied

(CPJ/IFEX) – On 22 April 1998, CPJ issued a protest against the decision of the Grodno District Court to deny the appeal of Pavel Sheremet and Dmitry Zavadsky, a correspondent and cameraman, respectively, of Russia’s ORT television network. They had been convicted of illegally crossing the Belarussian border. **Updates IFEX alerts of 26 February 1998, […]

Link to: Journalists evicted from court proceedings; beaten

Journalists evicted from court proceedings; beaten

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 22 April 1998, on 21 April 1998, members of the police, both in uniform and plainclothes, forced journalists to leave a courtroom in Aydin (in western Turkey). Inside the courtroom a trial of police officers, accused of having tortured a student to death in 1993, was […]

Link to: Letter to Clinton on media violations in Turkmenistan

Letter to Clinton on media violations in Turkmenistan

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ wishes to use the occasion of President Clinton’s upcoming talks with President Saparmurad Niyazov to focus attention on the repressive media conditions in Turkmenistan. CPJ is greatly alarmed by the total state control of the media in Turkmenistan, the lack of an independent press or any alternative reporting and a general climate […]

Link to: Freedom of expressions groups endorse campaign to reform Croatia’s defamation law

Freedom of expressions groups endorse campaign to reform Croatia’s defamation law

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – According to Article 19, the Croatian Journalists’ Association has launched a campaign to reform Croatia’s defamation laws. The following is the full text of the statement released in support of that campaign: We the undersigned would like to express our whole-hearted support for the initiative announced on 20 April 1998 by the […]

Link to: Journalist sentenced for libel

Journalist sentenced for libel

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 16 April 1998, Yovka Atanassova, managing director of the daily “Starozagorsky Novini”, in the southern Bulgarian town of Stara Zagora, was sentenced in mid-April 1998 to an effective five month jail sentence under a three-year suspended term. The sentence was handed down to Atanassova for libeling […]

Link to: Editor faces 8-year sentence

Editor faces 8-year sentence

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – On 20 April 1998, Davor Butkovic, Croatian editor-in-chief of the weekly “Globus”, will be tried for defamation, after reporting on a US-based study which alleges government corruption. The criminal libel suit puts Butkovic at risk of a maximum sentence of 8 years in jail and a US$645,000 fine. Croatia has at least […]

Link to: Turkey to try Italian reporter over Kurdish links

Turkey to try Italian reporter over Kurdish links

(Freedom House/IFEX) – According to Freedom House, it has been reported that an Italian reporter arrested in southeastern Turkey during a Kurdish separatist protest last month faces up to three years in jail if convicted of links to Kurdish guerrillas, lawyers said on 13 April 1998. “The prosecutors’ office has asked for my client to […]

Link to: Journalist attacked

Journalist attacked

(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 14 April 1998, police officers detained Selcuk Manav, sports announcer for the private television chain ATV, on 8 April 1998. The officers beat Manav and dragged him across the field of Ali Sami Yen stadium in Istanbul just before the start of a soccer match. Manav […]