Europe & Central Asia

Europe & Central Asia
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Europe & Central Asia

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Link to: 20 journalists tortured and more than 250 questioned or detained in 1997

20 journalists tortured and more than 250 questioned or detained in 1997

(RSF/IFEX) – The following is the full text of a press release issued by RSF. On the eve of President Suleyman Demirel’s visit to France, RSF issues a reminder that in 1997 close to twenty journalists were tortured in Turkey. More than 250 of their colleagues were taken in for questioning or were imprisoned. Suppression […]

Link to: HRW writes open letter to authorities regarding broadcasting regulations

HRW writes open letter to authorities regarding broadcasting regulations

(HRW/IFEX) – The following is an open letter sent by Human Rights Watch on 16 February 1998 to the leaders of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia) regarding the recent announcement on 6 February 1998 of an open bid for temporary radio and television frequencies, and other laws regulating broadcasting in Serbia. It was sent […]

Link to: Government introduces press laws

Government introduces press laws

(AMARC/IFEX) – The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) has deplored the Yugoslav federal authorities’ efforts to control the existence and operation of illegal radio and TV stations by requiring them to obtain temporary licences. It is unlikely, according to ANEM, that the Telecommunications Ministry will issue such licenses to all stations that apply for […]

Link to: Editor Savalan Mamedov released

Editor Savalan Mamedov released

(CPJ/IFEX) – Savalan Mamedov, chief editor of the weekly “Istintag” newspaper in Baku, was freed from prison on 23 January 1998. Mamedov, who was arrested on 22 December 1997 (see IFEX alert), still faces trial on criminal libel charges against a former district prosecutor. According to the Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan, Mamedov is charged […]

Link to: Daily newspaper shut down

Daily newspaper shut down

(CPJ/IFEX) – On 28 January 1998 the government of the Ukraine shut down the opposition daily newspaper “Pravda Ukrainy”, two months before national parliamentary elections. According to the newspaper’s editor, Oleksander Horobets, the shutdown occurred when the state publishing house, Presa Ukrainy, announced it would no longer publish the newspaper on the order of the […]

Link to: Press laws amended

Press laws amended

(WAN/IFEX) – On 20 December 1997, amendments to both the Law on the Press and Other Media and the Administrative Offence Code were passed by the Council of the Republic of Belarus. On 8 January these amendments were signed by Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic. While acknowledging that several of the amendments are minor […]

Link to: Journalist’s tapes seized

Journalist’s tapes seized

(IFJ/IFEX) – On 29 January 1998, Serbian police confiscated video tapes belonging to Duska Jurisic, a journalist with the Television of Bosnia and Hercegovina. Fifteen tapes were seized and included footage shot in Kosova and Prishtina and material concerning recent protests by Albanian students. The tapes, confiscated at the Macedonian border, included interviews with Mahmut […]

Link to: Concern over new law which would curb freedom of religious expression

Concern over new law which would curb freedom of religious expression

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – Following is the full text of a 29 January 1998 letter sent by ARTICLE 19 to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. The letter expresses concern at a new law under consideration in Turkey which would curb freedom of religious expression. “ARTICLE 19 is extremely concerned about reports that a […]

Link to: Haluk Gerger jailed

Haluk Gerger jailed

(RSF/IFEX) – According to RSF’s information, on 26 January 1998, Haluk Gerger, a columnist for the pro-Kurdish daily “Ulkede Gundem”, went to the Gudul prison in Ankara to begin serving a one-year sentence for “separatist propaganda.”. He was convicted under Turkey’s anti-terror legislation, and the sentence was confirmed by the Court of Cassation. He was […]

Link to: Journalist attacked

Journalist attacked

(RSF/IFEX) – On 8 January 1998, Frederic Lepinay, a journalist with the daily Lille newspaper “La Voix du Nord”, was reporting on the occupation of the Association pour l’emploi dans l’industrie et le commerce (ASSEDIC) in Lille by a defense association for the unemployed. While taking photographs of the evacuation of the site by the […]

Link to: Journalist detained for questioning

Journalist detained for questioning

(RSF/IFEX) – On 23 January 1998, Ugur Demir, journalist with the daily newspaper “Cumhuriyet”, was taken in for questioning while attending a rally held in the district of Besiktas. During the rally, held to commemorate the murder of Ugur Mumcu, another “Cumhuriyet” reporter who was killed in a 1993 bomb attack, Demir was apprehended by […]

Link to: Documentary maker beaten

Documentary maker beaten

(HRW/IFEX) – Human Rights Watch reports that Yuri Khashchevatsky, an internationally renowned film director and member of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee who recently became a member of the pro-democracy movement “Charter ’97”, has been severely beaten. On the night of 23 December 1997, two unidentified men broke into Khashchevatsky’s film studio and beat him unconscious, […]

Link to: Wei Jingsheng in Stockholm in March 1998

Wei Jingsheng in Stockholm in March 1998

(WAN/IFEX) – China’s most prominent dissident, Wei Jingsheng, will be the keynote speaker at a special conference on freedom of expression to be held in Stockholm, Sweden, on 31 March 1998. Mr Wei was allowed to leave China for the United States last November for medical treatment, after serving eighteen years in prison for his […]

Link to: Garaudy’s trial is based on racist ideas and is a violation of freedom of opinion and expression

Garaudy’s trial is based on racist ideas and is a violation of freedom of opinion and expression

(EOHR/IFEX) – The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) is extremely worried about the trial of the French thinker Roger Garaudy before a court in France by virtue of a law called Fabious-Gibseau. This law punishes with fines and imprisonment those who deny that Jews were killed in holocausts by the Nazis, a charge which […]

Link to: Bosnian editor convicted of libel

Bosnian editor convicted of libel

(CPJ/IFEX) The editor of the independent “Dani” magazine in Sarajevo, Senad Pecanin, was convicted on 19 January 1998 by a municipal court of criminal libel against the editor of the daily “Dnevni Avaz”. Pecanin received a conditional sentence of two months in prison, which he would be required to serve if he is caught violating […]

Link to: ARTICLE 19 condemns banning of politcal party

ARTICLE 19 condemns banning of politcal party

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – On 16 January 1998, ARTICLE 19 unequivocally condemned the banning by Turkey’s constitutional court of the Welfare Party and the prohibition of its leaders from political activity. Said Essoulami, head of ARTICLE 19’s Middle East programme, responded to this action by commenting that “today, four million Turkish citizens have been disenfranchised. Experience […]