Europe & Central Asia

Europe & Central Asia
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Europe & Central Asia

8351 articles
Link to: Journalist taken in for questioning; camera of another confiscated

Journalist taken in for questioning; camera of another confiscated

(RSF/IFEX) – On 12 September 1997, three police officers entered the office of the Albanian-language daily “Koha Ditore” in Pristina and took journalist Baton Haxhiu to the police station for questioning. Haxhiu was interrogated for two hours regarding his meetings with foreign diplomats, politicians and students. According to the newspaper’s directors, the police wanted information […]

Link to: Journalist Adil Harmanci threatened

Journalist Adil Harmanci threatened

(RSF/IFEX) – On 27 August 1997, Adil Harmanci, a journalist with the daily “Olkede Gundem”, was threatened with death by Saban Kahraman, head of village security, a civil authority instituted by the army. Kahraman also specifically let it be known to Harmanci’s neighbours in the Sabaniye quarter of Van, in eastern Turkey, that the journalist […]

Link to: International press freedom awardee Ocak Isik Yurtcu released from prison; move follows government amnesty for jailed editors

International press freedom awardee Ocak Isik Yurtcu released from prison; move follows government amnesty for jailed editors

(CPJ/IFEX) – After serving nearly 32 months in prison for his newspaper’s critical coverage of Turkey’s ongoing conflict with Kurdish insurgents, editor Ocak Isik Yurtcu was freed from Saray Prison on 15 August 1997, one day after Turkey’s parliament unanimously passed an amnesty law allowing for the release of several jailed editors. **Updates IFEX press […]

Link to: Two “Ziua” journalists sentenced

Two “Ziua” journalists sentenced

On 25 October 1996, Tana Ardeleanu (f), an investigative reporter, and Sorin Rosca-Stanescu, the managing director of the independent Romanian daily newspaper “Ziua”, were found guilty of seditious libel (“offense against authorities”) under Article 238 of the Romanian Penal Code. Ardeleanu was sentenced to one year and two months and Rosca-Stanescu was sentenced to one […]

Link to: French authorities seize Algerian daily “Liberte”

French authorities seize Algerian daily “Liberte”

On 19 October 1996, French air and border police seized the 17 October issue of the Algerian daily “Liberte” at the Lyon airport, as the paper entered France for distribution. The seizure of the paper was carried out under rules governing the distribution of foreign publications in France. No official reason for the seizure was […]

Link to: Trial begins of police officers accused of the murder of journalist Metin Goktepe

Trial begins of police officers accused of the murder of journalist Metin Goktepe

The trial of forty-eight police officers accused of the murder of journalist Metin Goktepe in Istanbul on 8 January 1996 began on 18 October in Aydin. However, the delegation from Reporters sans frontieres (RSF) present at the trial has serious concerns regarding the conditions in which the hearings will take place. **Updates IFEX alerts dated […]

Link to: American journalist Michael Kirsch assaulted

American journalist Michael Kirsch assaulted

On 11 October 1996, Bosnian Serb security forces assaulted Michael Kirsch, a freelance journalist and cameraman working for Insight News Television Limited (INTV) of Great Britain. Kirsch was videotaping a destroyed house in Jusici, a Muslim village now under the control of the Bosnian Serb Republic, when, according to Kirsch’s own account of the incident, […]

Link to: Journalist and political activist Valeriya Novodvorskaya charged for writings

Journalist and political activist Valeriya Novodvorskaya charged for writings

Closing arguments were expected to be heard on 14 October 1996 in the Moscow Municipal Court trial of journalist and political activist Valeriya Novodvorskaya. She is charged under Article 74 of the Russian Criminal Code with allegedly inciting inter-ethnic discord and belittling the dignity of the Russian nation. The charges against Novodvorskaya stem from writings […]

Link to: Authorities pressure Radio Contact journalist Oana Bratu

Authorities pressure Radio Contact journalist Oana Bratu

On 3 October 1996 at approximately 22:00 hours, Romanian police searched the home of Radio Contact journalist Oana Bratu. She was not home at the time, and police arrested two individuals who were in the apartment. They were released shortly thereafter. It is thought that authorities are pressuring Bratu because of her involvement in bringing […]

Link to: Report on reforms to legal procedures causes concern for press freedom

Report on reforms to legal procedures causes concern for press freedom

RSF is concerned at some of the conclusions of a report on reforms to legal procedures in France which it feels are a profound threat to press freedom. The report, made public on 2 October 1996 by Minister of Justice Jacques Toubon, proposes changes to legal procedures for preventive detention, the presumption of innocence and […]

Link to: Censorship concerns around OSCE seminar on media issues

Censorship concerns around OSCE seminar on media issues

In a letter released on 4 October 1996 for the opening of an Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) meeting in the Uzbek capital of Tashkent, Human Rights Watch/Helsinki said the OSCE would be giving tacit approval to strict government control of the media and fierce repression of free speech in Uzbekistan. Human […]

Link to: Authorities attempt to force journalist to reveal source

Authorities attempt to force journalist to reveal source

On 16 September 1996, the deputy Attorney General of the Republic of Moldova, Ion Zastavnitki, called for legal proceedings to be initiated against the director general of the independent news agency BASA Press, Valeriu Renita, to force him to reveal the name of one of his sources in the Ministry of Defence. In a 27 […]

Link to: Independent radio station refused long-term broadcasting licence

Independent radio station refused long-term broadcasting licence

On 15 July 1996, the Croatian Telecommunications Council for the second time failed to pass a decision on allotting the frequency of 94.3 FM to the independent radio station Radio 101. Furthermore, for its second application to obtain a long-term broadcasting licence, Radio 101 was able to provide documentation said to be missing in its […]

Link to: Reported kidnapping of editor Natalya Vasenina in Grozny; three Ukrainian journalists still missing; concern at use of journalists in prisoner of war exchanges

Reported kidnapping of editor Natalya Vasenina in Grozny; three Ukrainian journalists still missing; concern at use of journalists in prisoner of war exchanges

**For background to reports of missing Ukrainian journalists, see alert of 13 September 1996** CPJ is concerned at the reported kidnapping in Grozny of Natalya Vasenina, editor-in-chief of a local newspaper, “Nezavisimost” (“Independence”). According to the Russian wire services RIA/Novosti and ITAR/TASS, a well-informed source close to the Moscow-backed Chechen government reported that Vasenina was […]

Link to: “Izvestia” journalist Vladimir Ardayev criticised by President; press accreditation may not be renewed

“Izvestia” journalist Vladimir Ardayev criticised by President; press accreditation may not be renewed

President Nursultan Nazarbayev has threatened to expel Vladimir Ardayev, the Kazakhstan correspondent for “Izvestia”, and accused him of working against the principle of friendship between the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Nazarbayev’s threats stem from recent reports by several media outlets – among them the newspapers “Izvestia”, “Nezavissimaya Gazeta”, “Vecherni Bishkek”, “Panorama” […]

Link to: “Feral Tribune” journalists Viktor Ivancic and Marinko Culic acquitted of defaming President Franjo Tudjman

“Feral Tribune” journalists Viktor Ivancic and Marinko Culic acquitted of defaming President Franjo Tudjman

On 26 September 1996, Viktor Ivancic, editor-in-chief of the satirical weekly “Feral Tribune”, and reporter Marinko Culic were acquitted of defaming Croatian President Franjo Tudjman. Judge Marin Mrcela delivered his verdict at Zagreb Municipal Court, saying that the offending material in “Feral Tribune” was obviously absurd and merely intended to pass judgment on political activity. […]