Europe & Central Asia

Europe & Central Asia
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Europe & Central Asia

8351 articles
Link to: Bashkort journalist threatened with prison for libelling President

Bashkort journalist threatened with prison for libelling President

In early August 1996, Eduard Khusnutdinov, editor-in-chief of “Vecherny Neftekamsk”, a newspaper formerly published in Bashkortostan, a constituent republic of the Russian Federation, was notified by a local prosecutor that he could face up to five years of imprisonment for libel of President Murtaza Rakhimov, leader of the autonomous region in the Urals. The independent […]

Link to: Police raid and shut down Kurdish television station

Police raid and shut down Kurdish television station

On 18 September 1996, Belgian police raided the offices and homes of several Kurdish institutions and people in exile in Belgium. Among the raids was that of the licensed Kurdish MED-TV television station in Brussels. Police confiscated archival material and closed down the station’s office, forcing it to discontinue broadcasting. Recommended Action Send appeals to […]

Link to: Two Ukrainian journalists missing in Chechnya; a third reportedly missing

Two Ukrainian journalists missing in Chechnya; a third reportedly missing

Vitaly Shevchenko and Andrei Bazvluka, two television journalists from Lita-M, a small television company in Kharkhiv, Ukraine, have been reported missing by their colleagues. Fellow correspondents last saw the pair in the city of Grozny on 11 August 1996, during heavy fighting between Russian federal troops and Chechen fighters who had seized control of the […]

Link to: Independent radio station suspended

Independent radio station suspended

On 1 September 1996, the Ministry of Communications suspended broadcasts by Radio 101.2 FM by cutting off access to its state-owned transmitter. A few days earlier, the independent Minsk station received a fax from the ministry saying the decision had been made because its broadcasts “were interfering with government frequencies.” Since no replacement wavelength has […]

Link to: Broadcasting bill threatens to limit press freedom

Broadcasting bill threatens to limit press freedom

On 18 July 1996, the Bulgarian Parliament approved by 125 votes out of 240 a bill laying down regulations for the operation of a new National Radio and Television Council. The bill states that programmes broadcast must be in accordance with “the constitutional order, state security, the interests of defence and shared moral values.” The […]

Link to: Journalist Jerzy Slavomir Mac reported missing

Journalist Jerzy Slavomir Mac reported missing

Jerzy Slavomir Mac, a journalist with the weekly “Wprost”, has been missing since 27 August 1996. At 5pm in Warsaw, he left the newspaper’s editorial office, leaving his computer on and without having taken his identity card. Two days later, after Mac had failed to show up at either his home or the newspaper’s office, […]

Link to: Independent press being subjected to tax inspections by the Ministry of Finance

Independent press being subjected to tax inspections by the Ministry of Finance

Since 19 August 1996, inspectors for the Ministry of Finance have visited several newspapers in Belarus as part of a tax inspection campaign. The Ministry has given no official explanation for the campaign, which mainly concern independent publications. The newspapers “Semida” and “Svabodnie Novosti Plus” have already been inspected, while “Svoboda”, “Beloruskaya Delovaya Gazeta” and […]

Link to: Three journalists with Albanian- language media in Kosovo harassed

Three journalists with Albanian- language media in Kosovo harassed

On 31 July 1996, Gani Kosumi, a freelance sports journalist and stringer with Albanian Radio and Television, was detained by police for several hours. He was arrested during the break up by police of the Convention of the Kosovo Federation of Football. He was questioned about sporting organisations and journalism by Albanians in Kosovo. Agim […]

Link to: Writer Erol Anar charged with “separatist propaganda”

Writer Erol Anar charged with “separatist propaganda”

A trial against Turkish writer and vice secretary-general of the Human Rights Association of Turkey Erol Anar began on 22 August 1996. Anar, author of “Insan Haklar Tarihi” (“The History of Human Rights”), is charged with “separatist propaganda” under Article 8 of the Anti-Terror Law for a four-page chapter in the book entitled “Kurt Sorunu” […]

Link to: Russian helicopters fire on CNN and WTN crews

Russian helicopters fire on CNN and WTN crews

CPJ has confirmed reports that on 8 August 1996, four members of a Cable News Network (CNN) television crew, travelling in an armoured Land Rover vehicle that was clearly marked with the letters “T.V.” on the roof and sides, were stopped at a Russian military checkpoint on the outskirts of Grozny, the capital of the […]

Link to: Journalists trapped in Chechnya hostel reportedly rescued; CPJ appeals to both sides in Chechen conflict for journalists’ safety

Journalists trapped in Chechnya hostel reportedly rescued; CPJ appeals to both sides in Chechen conflict for journalists’ safety

On 12 August 1996, ITOGI television news and other news sources reported that Russian and foreign journalists trapped in a hostel in Grozny, the capital of the secessionist Russian republic of Chechnya, had been rescued and taken safely out of Grozny by Russian forces. On 10 August 1996, CPJ urged both sides in the Chechen […]

Link to: Prosecutor withdraws suit against Kazakh edition of Russian daily “Komsomolskaya Pravda”

Prosecutor withdraws suit against Kazakh edition of Russian daily “Komsomolskaya Pravda”

On 24 July 1996, the Medeus District People’s Court judge closed the case against the Kazakh edition of the Russian newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. **Updates IFEX alert dated 31 May 1996** At a court hearing on 17 July, the paper was ordered to print an apology within a week for publishing a controversial 23 April article, […]

Link to: Ban on issue of “Azadlig” among incidents of censorship; journalist Metin Yasar Oglu remains in detention

Ban on issue of “Azadlig” among incidents of censorship; journalist Metin Yasar Oglu remains in detention

In a 1 August letter to Azeri President Haidar Aliev, CPJ expressed concern at the recent closure of “Avrazia” (see previous IFEX alert of 6 August), and at recent press reports of censorship exercised by both the government’s Committee for the Protection of Secrets and by the President’s office. **For background to “Avrazia” closure, see […]

Link to: Government ministry closes “Avrazia”

Government ministry closes “Avrazia”

On 1 August 1996, the Minister of Information and the Media, Nariman Hasanzade, wrote to the head of the Azerbaijan publishing company, Nazim Ibragimov, ordering him to stop printing the independent daily “Avrazia”. At a meeting with the newspaper’s publisher, Irfan Sapmaz, the minister complained about six stories published recently in “Avrazia”. The topics of […]

Link to: Journalist Metin Yasar Oglu arrested and detained

Journalist Metin Yasar Oglu arrested and detained

On 26 July 1996, police arrested Metin Yasar Oglu, a journalist for the newspaper “Mukhalifat”. He was covering a demonstration that took place in front of the Russian Embassy in the capital, Baku, in which people were protesting against the reported ill- treatment of Azeri citizens in Moscow and other cities in the Russian Federation. […]

Link to: Journalist Slobodan Rackovic detained

Journalist Slobodan Rackovic detained

On 14 July 1996, freelance journalist Slobodan Rackovic was taken to a police station in Petrovac where he was held for more than three hours. No formal charges were laid against him; rather, the police said that he had been brought in for an “informative talk.” In addition, Rackovic’s house was searched while he was […]