Europe & Central Asia

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Europe & Central Asia

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Link to: Concerns for missing poet Amir Talic

Concerns for missing poet Amir Talic

Amir Talic, a Bosnian poet, was arrested on 22 February 1995 by Bosnian Serb forces. He is now said to be held in an unknown place of detention and there are fears for his well-being. He is among eight people still thought to be detained following a wave of arrests of members of a Muslim […]

Link to: President Lukashenko criticizes state radio and television employees

President Lukashenko criticizes state radio and television employees

At a 24 February meeting with employees of the Belarus State Radio and Television, President Lukashenko said: “When one watches or listens to your programs the question unfortunately arises too often: where does this militant incompetence come from, this obvious reluctance to support the political course of the President of this nation?” After recognizing the […]

Link to: TV journalist Namik Berberovic (m) remains in detention; journalist Shanaat Nahrawand (f) detained

TV journalist Namik Berberovic (m) remains in detention; journalist Shanaat Nahrawand (f) detained

**Updates IFEX CH alert dated 3 February 1995** Namik Berberovic, a Bosnian television journalist, remains in detention in Bosnia. There are concerns for his safety and his health. Berberovic, who works for the Bosnian-Austrian OSSA television, was detained on 26 January 1995 as he was travelling from the Sarajevo airport to the city. (see IFEX […]

Link to: Alexei Kostin, publisher of Latvian-based paper “Yeshcho” goes to trial

Alexei Kostin, publisher of Latvian-based paper “Yeshcho” goes to trial

On 22 February 1995 Alexei Kostin, founder and publisher of the Latvian-based newspaper “Yeshcho” goes to trial. Kostin has been incarcerated since February 1994 when he was arrested for producing and distributing pornography. He was arrested despite the fact that “Yeshcho”, the publication deemed pornographic by the prosecutors, was never ordered to cease publication. Kostin’s […]

Link to: “Ozgur Ulke” ceases publication after ban

“Ozgur Ulke” ceases publication after ban

**Updates IFEX CH alert dated 3 February 1995** As reported by CPJ on 3 February 1995, the pro-Kurdish independent daily “Ozgur Ulke” was banned from publication by the courts on 2 February. CPJ now confirms that, when the ban was communicated to the printing and distribution companies, as well as the newspaper’s staff, “Ozgur Ulke” […]

Link to: “Ozgur Ulke” banned from publication

“Ozgur Ulke” banned from publication

**For Background, see IFEX CH alert dated 20 January, 1995** An Istanbul court decided on 2 February that “Ozgur Ulke” was the continuation of the now defunct “Ozgur Gundem”, and that therefore its publication violated the press law which states that “any publication that is clearly a continuation of a publication that was shut down […]

Link to: Proposed amendments to penal code threaten freedom of expression

Proposed amendments to penal code threaten freedom of expression

Source: “Center for Foreign Journalists Clearinghouse on the Central & East European Press” (CFJ) The Romanian Parliament is expected to pass amendments to the penal code in February or March that would constitute a serious threat to freedom of expression. The amendments would provide long prison terms for such offenses as “damaging the reputation of […]

Link to: Editor of “Gazeta Wyborcza” sentenced to prison

Editor of “Gazeta Wyborcza” sentenced to prison

On 19 January, the Supreme Court of Poland sentenced Waclaw Bialy, editor of the Lublin edition of the daily newspaper “Gazeta Wyborcza”, to two weeks in prison and a fine for refusing to reveal the name of a contributor after he was ordered to do so by a regional court. Although Mr. Bialy based his […]

Link to: “Ozgur Ulke” correspondent Salih Guler’s detention extended; torture alleged

“Ozgur Ulke” correspondent Salih Guler’s detention extended; torture alleged

SOURCE: “Ozgur Ulke”, Istanbul **Updates IFEX CH alert dated 9 January 1995** Salih Guler, a 24 year old correspondent for the newspaper “Ozgur Ulke” being held at Jandarme Intelligence Organization (JITEM) in Diyarbakir since 4 January, has had his detention extended by 15 days. According to “Ozgur Ulke, a recently released witness, who remains anonymous […]

Link to: Paper mill shortages a form of censorship

Paper mill shortages a form of censorship

At the end of 1994, 17 of Romania’s major publications announced to their readers that they may shut down. The state-owned Letea paper mill is the only supplier of newsprint in the country. It announced that it will halt production for a few months due to raw materials shortages. The editors and publishers of the […]

Link to: Newspapers seized; further details

Newspapers seized; further details

**For background see IFEX CH alerts dated 17 January 1995** A new form of censorship is being practised against non-mainstream publications in Turkey. On 6 January, police and courts began confiscating newspapers and magazines deemed “separatist” before they are distributed. The pro-Kurdish daily “Ozgur Ulke”, the right-wing weekly “Taraf”, the left-wing weeklies “Gercek” and “Alinteri”, […]

Link to: Escalating attacks on the media — censorship of four newspapers; dismissals of two editors; publishing rights denied

Escalating attacks on the media — censorship of four newspapers; dismissals of two editors; publishing rights denied

Source: Journalists’ Union of Belarus (JUB) The IFJ is extremely concerned at recent developments in the Belarus media in the past month. The Journalists’ Union of Belarus (JUB) reports that three newspapers — “Sovetskaja Belarus”, “Zvezda”, and “Respublika” — have appeared with blank spaces where an article on political corruption was due to be published, […]

Link to: “Ozgur Ulke” correspondents detained

“Ozgur Ulke” correspondents detained

Source: “Ozgur Ulke”, Istanbul **For information about other recent attacks on “Ozgur Ulke” see IFEX alerts dated 17 January 1995 (1), 17 January 1995 (2) and 9 January 1995** On 19 January 1995, at 10:50 am, plainclothes police from the anti-terror team in Diyarbakir held an identification check at the “Ozgur Ulke” offices in Diyarbakir […]

Link to: Four Radio Zid journalists mobilised into Bosnian army

Four Radio Zid journalists mobilised into Bosnian army

The IFJ/FIEJ Coordinating Centre reports that four senior journalists employed by Radio Zid have been mobilised into the Army of Bosnia and Hercegovina. Radio Zid had been promised special recognition by Sarajevo authorities and was granted 32 civilian work permits to ensure that the station could remain on the air. Radio Zid has used only […]

Link to: “Ozgur Ulke” edition seized

“Ozgur Ulke” edition seized

On 9 January 1995, an entire edition of the newspaper “Ozgur Ulke” was seized following official complaints about an article on the second page of the paper, even though this article was deleted by the editorial board before publication. In spite of this effort at compliance, the Prosecutor apparently ordered the seizure to be carried […]

Link to: “Ozgur Ulke” 6 January edition seized

“Ozgur Ulke” 6 January edition seized

On the morning of 6 January, copies of “Ozgur Ulke” were seized from the newspaper’s distribution centre. Editions of “Ozgur Ulke” have been seized in the past, but it has always been possible to obtain copies of the editions in their first hours at newsstands. The 6 January seizure marks the first time since the […]