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186 articles
Link to: Minister lodges police complaint against journalists

Minister lodges police complaint against journalists

(PINA/IFEX) – Fiji Islands news media have reported two more clashes involving government ministers and the news media. On 17 November 1999, Assistant Information Minister Lekh Ram Vayeshnoi lodged a complaint with police alleging that a Fiji Television reporter and cameraperson entered his office without permission. According to local media reports, the reporter and cameraperson […]

Link to: Journalists to sue government parliamentarian over letter

Journalists to sue government parliamentarian over letter

(PINA/IFEX) – On 26 November 1999, three “Fiji Times” journalists instructed their lawyers to begin defamation action against a government member of parliament (MP), the newspaper reported. The defamation actions are over a letter to the editor MP Muthu Swamy wrote following criticism of his attack on the three journalists in the House of Representatives […]

Link to: Government refuses work permit to “The Fiji Times” editor-in-chief

Government refuses work permit to “The Fiji Times” editor-in-chief

(PINA/IFEX) – On 25 November 1999, the Fiji Islands government informed “The Fiji Times” that the work permit of the newspaper group’s editor-in-chief will not be renewed. The letter refusing “The Fiji Times” application for the renewal was received on the day the newspaper accused the government of conducting a “vendetta” against it (see IFEX […]

Link to: “The Fiji Times” challenges government parliamentarian over attack on journalists

“The Fiji Times” challenges government parliamentarian over attack on journalists

(PINA/IFEX) – On 25 November 1999 (local date), the biggest daily newspaper in the Fiji Islands, “The Fiji Times”, accused the Fiji government of conducting a “vendetta” against it. It followed a renewed attack in parliament on 24 November in which a government backbencher made allegations against the newspaper, its associate editor, and individual journalists. […]

Link to: Court awards Fiji Islands editor, journalists costs against magistrate

Court awards Fiji Islands editor, journalists costs against magistrate

(PINA/IFEX) – On 12 November 1999, a Fiji Islands court case that began in 1996 ended with a magistrate being ordered to pay $F1500 (about US$750) costs for wrongly charging three journalists with contempt of court. On 13 November 1996, Magistrate Syed Mukhtar Shah ordered “The Fiji Times” editor Samisoni Kakaivalu and reporters Yunus Rashid […]

Link to: PINA’s Oseah Philemon warns of Fiji Islands dangers

PINA’s Oseah Philemon warns of Fiji Islands dangers

(PINA/IFEX) – The following is a PINA press release: Statement by Oseah Philemon, vice-president of the Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) Fiji will become the first country in the South Pacific to be ruled by a civilian dictator if Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry goes ahead with his threat to legislate against media freedom in his […]

Link to: Opposition, news media condemn threats by prime minister

Opposition, news media condemn threats by prime minister

(PINA/IFEX) – On 27 October 1999, there was widespread criticism in the Fiji Islands of threats by Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry to bring in a government-regulated media tribunal with powers to impose penalties on the media. One of the country’s three daily newspapers reported there are also plans within the government to introduce legislation requiring […]

Link to: Threat to impose government media tribunal

Threat to impose government media tribunal

(PINA/IFEX) – On 26 October 1999, PINA president William Parkinson called new threats to the news media by Fiji Islands Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry a return to the “draconian” days after Fiji’s 1987 military coups. “We have not had these threats made since the military government in 1987, and as a member of the Fiji […]

Link to: Fiji Islands media banned from reporting parliamentary question

Fiji Islands media banned from reporting parliamentary question

(PINA/IFEX) – On 6 October 1999, the deputy speaker of the Fiji Islands House of Representatives banned journalists from reporting details of a parliamentary question he ruled out of order. Deputy Speaker Giyannendra Prasad’s ruling sparked outrage in the media, with the “Daily Post” of 7 October (local date) calling the House of Representatives the […]

Link to: Parliamentary newspaper reports “given benefit of the doubt”

Parliamentary newspaper reports “given benefit of the doubt”

(PINA/IFEX) – On 4 October 1999, the Fiji Islands House of Representatives privileges committee recommended “The Fiji Times” and “Daily Post” newspapers be “given the benefit of the doubt” over parliamentary reporting it investigated. It said no formal charges should be laid. However, the committee concluded that the House has the right to prohibit publication […]

Link to: Fiji Islands government grants TV chief work permit, with conditions

Fiji Islands government grants TV chief work permit, with conditions

**Updates IFEX alerts of 23 July and 19 July 1999** (PINA/IFEX) – On 31 August 1999, the Fiji Islands government issued Canadian Ken Clark a one-year work permit to be chief executive of the country’s national television service, local news media reported. However, the Immigration Department’s acting director was quoted as saying that Fiji Television […]

Link to: Delay in tabling of privileges committee finding on Fiji Islands newspapers

Delay in tabling of privileges committee finding on Fiji Islands newspapers

(PINA/IFEX) – On 27 August 1999, the Fiji Islands House of Representatives privileges committee requested more time to decide on an alleged breach of privilege by “The Fiji Times” and “Daily Post” newspapers. Attorney-General Anand Singh, who chairs the committee, said the House members needed more time to collate their findings, “The Fiji Times” reported. […]

Link to: Civil servants warned against advertising in newspaper

Civil servants warned against advertising in newspaper

(PINA/IFEX) – Fiji Islands civil servants have been warned that they face disciplinary action if they continue to place government advertising in “The Fiji Times”, the newspaper reported on 21 August 1999 (local date). “The Fiji Times”, which is the biggest-circulation daily newspaper in the Pacific Islands, said: “A Ministry of Information memorandum this week […]

Link to: Fiji Islands prime minister, news media clash again

Fiji Islands prime minister, news media clash again

(PINA/IFEX) – On 15 August 1999, Fiji Islands Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry accused “elements in the media” of trying to destabilise his new government, the news media reported. The “Sunday Post” quoted Chaudhry as giving as an example the debate about his new government’s plan to introduce a national minimum wage. He told a convention […]

Link to: Fiji Islands editors appear before parliamentary committee

Fiji Islands editors appear before parliamentary committee

(PINA/IFEX) – On 11 August 1999, the editors of Fiji’s two daily newspapers, “The Fiji Times” and “Daily Post”, appeared before the House of Representatives privileges committee for allegedly breaching parliamentary privilege. Samisoni Kakaivalu, of “The Fiji Times”, and Jale Moala, of the “Daily Post”, are alleged to have disregarded a parliamentary ruling and reported […]

Link to: Government examines “Fiji Times” report for possible Public Order Act  breach

Government examines “Fiji Times” report for possible Public Order Act breach

(PINA/IFEX) – On 2 August 1999, the “Daily Post” reported that the Fiji Islands government is examining a report by the country’s biggest daily newspaper, “The Fiji Times”, for a possible breach of the Public Order Act. Minister for Lands and Agricultural Landlord and Tenant Act (ALTA) Ratu Mosese Volavola was quoted by the “Daily […]