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262 articles
Link to: RSF denounces harassment of radio journalist Daniel Mermet

RSF denounces harassment of radio journalist Daniel Mermet

(RSF/IFEX) – The following is a 13 September 2002 RSF press release: Reporters without borders denounces harassment of radio journalist Daniel Mermet Reporters Without Borders today denounced legal action being taken against French radio journalist Daniel Mermet for having re-broadcast an interview last year with a doctor who once performed scientific experiments on prisoners in […]

Link to: RSF protests police brutality against German journalists

RSF protests police brutality against German journalists

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has protested to French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy after two German freelance journalists covering an anti-racism demonstration in Strasbourg were the victims of police brutality. Carsten Bügener was reportedly kicked and tear-gassed while Kathrin Plümer had her film forcibly confiscated during the 24 July 2002 demonstration. Police have yet to return the […]

Link to: Police attack German journalists

Police attack German journalists

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is a press release by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), which is an IFJ affiliate: August 1st 2002 European Journalists Protest Against French Police Attack on Journalists The European Federation of Journalists today condemned the “unjustified and brutal attacks” of French police officers on a German film team during an […]

Link to: RSF warns interior minister of threat to Internet freedom posed by new security law

RSF warns interior minister of threat to Internet freedom posed by new security law

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has expressed its serious concern further to the French government’s introduction of a bill concerning the general direction and programme planning of internal security (Loi d’orientation et de programmation sur la sécurité intérieure, LOPSI). The National Assembly adopted the bill at the first reading on 17 July 2002. It outlines the present […]

Link to: Lawsuit against journalist Daniel Mermet dismissed

Lawsuit against journalist Daniel Mermet dismissed

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF welcomes the dismissal of a lawsuit against French radio journalist Daniel Mermet and his boss, Jean-Marie Cavada, head of the Radio France network, by a Paris court on 12 July 2002. The judge said the allegations of “incitement to racial hatred” and “racial slander” against Mermet, and by extension Cavada, were unfounded, […]

Link to: Journalist’s telephone tapped in Corsican affair

Journalist’s telephone tapped in Corsican affair

(RSF/IFEX) – Minutes from tapped telephone exchanges published by the newspaper “Le Monde” have proven that Laïd Sammari, a journalist with the newspaper “l’Est républicain”, was placed under telephone surveillance in 2002, following the request of a judge from the French National Anti-Terrorist Service (Division nationale de lutte antiterroriste, DNAT). In 2000 and 2001, six […]

Link to: European Court of Human Rights condemns France for attacks on the freedom to inform; RSF calls for review of 1881 press law

European Court of Human Rights condemns France for attacks on the freedom to inform; RSF calls for review of 1881 press law

(RSF/IFEX) – On 25 June 2002, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) condemned France for violating Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, pertaining to freedom of expression and the right to inform. The newspaper “Le Monde” had appealed to the Strasbourg-based court after the Paris Appeals Court had found the daily […]

Link to: RSF expresses support for journalist Daniel Mermet

RSF expresses support for journalist Daniel Mermet

(RSF/IFEX) – Daniel Mermet, a journalist and on-air radio host with France Inter radio station, appeared before the Paris Correctional Tribunal on 31 May 2002 after a lawsuit was launched against him for broadcasting anti-semitic remarks. The lawsuit was brought against the journalist by the Jewish Students’ Union of France (Union des étudiants juifs de […]

Link to: Monthly magazine “Objectifs Rhône-Alpes” gets huge fine

Monthly magazine “Objectifs Rhône-Alpes” gets huge fine

(RSF/IFEX) – On 28 May 2002, RSF protested the very heavy fine imposed on Philippe Brunet-Leconte, publication director of French monthly magazine “Objectifs Rhône-Alpes”, and assistant editor-in-chief Loïc Tanant. They were ordered to immediately pay a total of 182,000 euros (approx. US$169,500) in libel damages by a court in the southern French city of St.Etienne. […]

Link to: Canal+ television crew roughed up by National Front party security guards

Canal+ television crew roughed up by National Front party security guards

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has condemned the physical assault on a Canal+ television crew by security guards of the right-wing National Front party on 26 April 2002. The organisation warned that press freedom would be threatened if the party came to power. Journalist John-Paul Lepers was roughed up and technical assistant Yacine Ben Jannette was forcibly […]

Link to: Press freedom situation in France: the French National Press Federation and RSF appeal to the candidates for the presidency

Press freedom situation in France: the French National Press Federation and RSF appeal to the candidates for the presidency

(RSF/IFEX) – The following is a 16 April 2002 RSF press release: Freedom of the press in France: appeal to the candidates In recent years, French courts have handed down a number of rulings that are particularly harmful to press freedom. They now frequently give priority to confidentiality of the preliminary examination of a case, […]

Link to: IPI concerned over attempts to prevent distribution of free daily newspapers

IPI concerned over attempts to prevent distribution of free daily newspapers

(IPI/IFEX) – In a 20 March 2002 letter to Minister of Culture and Communications Catherine Tasca, IPI expressed its deep concern over attempts to prevent the distribution in France of free daily newspapers. According to information before IPI, copies of “20 Minutes” were stolen and dumped in the street on 15 March by French print […]

Link to: Radio France journalists and editors charged over satirical sketch about Corsicans

Radio France journalists and editors charged over satirical sketch about Corsicans

(RSF/IFEX) – The following is a 15 March 2002 RSF press release: Radio France journalists and editors charged over satirical sketch about Corsicans Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said today it was astonished and concerned about the charging of five journalists and editors of Radio France for “racist insults” and “complicity” because of a satirical programme […]

Link to: Distribution of free daily “Metro” obstructed

Distribution of free daily “Metro” obstructed

(RSF/IFEX) – The following is a 1 March 2002 RSF press release: Conflict over the distribution of free daily Metro Reporters Sans Frontières is concerned about the drastic means that have been implemented to prevent the distribution of the free daily Metro in Paris and Marseilles since 18 February 2002. Regardless of the economic, industrial […]

Link to: RSF warns that telephone surveillance of journalists is a worrying abuse of press freedom

RSF warns that telephone surveillance of journalists is a worrying abuse of press freedom

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF deplores the increase in recent months of decisions and practices by French legal authorities that seriously undermine the right to freely publish information. RSF’s stand follows revelations by the French daily “Le Monde” on 30 January 2002 that six journalists’ phones were tapped in 2000 and 2001 as part of an investigation […]

Link to: RSF concerned over French tribunals’ continued calling into question of journalists’ right to research and publish their information

RSF concerned over French tribunals’ continued calling into question of journalists’ right to research and publish their information

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has denounced the French courts’ systematic calling into question of journalists’ right to research and publish their information. The organisation’s protest coincides with the current trial of Hubert Levet, a journalist and managing editor of the financial daily “Agefi” (Agence économique et financière). Levet is being tried before the Paris Magistrates’ Court […]