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260 articles
Link to: RSF asks members of parliament to oppose clauses which threaten press freedom in new presumption of innocence bill

RSF asks members of parliament to oppose clauses which threaten press freedom in new presumption of innocence bill

(RSF/IFEX) – The following is an 8 February 2000 RSF press release: France: Reporters sans frontières asks members of parliament to oppose clauses in the presumption of innocence bill which may threaten press freedom The presumption of innocence bill is to be discussed on 9 and 10 February in second reading by the National Assembly. […]

Link to: FIDH and RSF condemn the deterioration of human rights in Cuba

FIDH and RSF condemn the deterioration of human rights in Cuba

(RSF/IFEX) – The following is an RSF press release: France – Cuba Official visit to France of Felipe Perez Roque, Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs (19-21 January 2000) FIDH and RSF condemn the deterioration of human rights in Cuba On the occasion of an official three-day visit to France of Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs […]

Link to: Journalist detained

Journalist detained

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter addressed to Minister of Justice Elisabeth Guigou, RSF stated its concern over the detention of journalist Hubert Levet following his investigation of the company Aérospatiale-Matra. RSF warned the French authorities against revealing the journalist’s confidential sources, recalling the position of the European Court of Human Rights, which considers confidential sources […]

Link to: Four RSF members face trial

Four RSF members face trial

**For background on the Bernardo Arévalo Padron case, see IFEX alerts of 17 June and 2 March 1999, 29 April, 16 March, 20 February, 9 February 1998 and others** (RSF/IFEX) – The following is an RSF press release: For immediate release France Four members of Reporters sans frontières face the courts for having thrown leaflets […]

Link to: RSF appeals to leaders on the occasion of the Iranian president’s visit to France

RSF appeals to leaders on the occasion of the Iranian president’s visit to France

(RSF/IFEX) – In two letters addressed to Jacques Chirac and Lionel Jospin, RSF has stated its expectation that the subject of press freedom will be discussed with the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohammad Khatami. RSF also asked that the Iranian president’s efforts with regard to press freedom and human rights be encouraged […]

Link to: Court to rule on broadcasting dispute

Court to rule on broadcasting dispute

(PINA/IFEX) – On 16 October 1999, Réseau France-Outremer (RFO) President André-Michel Besse and New Caledonian Union Syndicale des Travailleurs Kanaks Exploités (USTKE) union leader Louis Kotra Uregei agreed to suspend disciplinary action against USTKE members within the broadcasting station, pending a court ruling, “Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes” reported. The daily newspaper said Besse and Uregei met […]

Link to: National TV and radio services back on the air

National TV and radio services back on the air

(PINA/IFEX) – New Caledonia’s Réseau France-Outremer (RFO) television and radio broadcasts resumed on the night of 9 October 1999 after six days of interruption due to union-led pickets, the newspaper “Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes” reported on 11 October. Since Monday 4 October, Union Syndicale des Travailleurs Kanaks Exploités (USTKE) members prevented anyone from entering the station’s […]

Link to: Unionists put New Caledonian TV and radio services off the air

Unionists put New Caledonian TV and radio services off the air

(PINA/IFEX) – The French Pacific territory of New Caledonia’s national radio and television services remained off the air on 7 October 1999, three days after unionists forced a shutdown of services. The union members were protesting against sanctions imposed on technicians who prevented the 2 September broadcast of a current affairs programme featuring the leader […]

Link to: Journalists roughed up, arrested

Journalists roughed up, arrested

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to the minister of the interior, Jean-Pierre Chevènement, RSF has expressed its concern about the arrest of several journalists by law enforcement officers at the “7 d’or” television awards ceremony, held in Paris. The organisation demanded “an explanation regarding the behaviour of the police officers who roughed up and arrested […]

Link to: RSF criticises press-related clauses in new presumption of innocence legislation

RSF criticises press-related clauses in new presumption of innocence legislation

(RSF/IFEX) – The following is an RSF press release: France: Reporters sans frontières labels press-related clauses in new presumption of innocence legislation unnecessary and dangerous Reporters sans frontières is protesting the unnecessary and dangerous press-related clauses in the new presumption of innocence bill. French legislative clauses, notably Article 9 of the Civil Code, concerning the […]

Link to: French council rules New Caledonia TV programme must be shown

French council rules New Caledonia TV programme must be shown

(PINA/IFEX) – French Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisual (Audiovisual Council) President Hervé Bourges said that the council ruled that a television programme in New Caledonia should be shown despite efforts by unionists to stop it, the newspaper “Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes” reported on 11 September 1999. It quoted Bourges as saying that the current affairs programme should […]

Link to: Confrontation with unionists over New Caledonia TV programme continues

Confrontation with unionists over New Caledonia TV programme continues

(PINA/IFEX) – A confrontation over efforts by trade unionists to muzzle a television current affairs programme in New Caledonia continues, the daily newspaper “Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes” reported on 7 September 1999. It quoted Réseau France-Outremer (RFO) station director Alain Le Garrec as saying union members who blacked out the programme had been suspended and the […]

Link to: New Caledonian current affairs programme blacked out

New Caledonian current affairs programme blacked out

(PINA/IFEX) – On 4 September 1999, the daily newspaper “Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes” reported that the French overseas radio and TV network Réseau France-Outremer (RFO) continued to be a target in trade union protests in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia. It said that one of RFO’s current affairs programmes was forced off the air […]

Link to: Editor issues public plea after journalist injured covering union blockade

Editor issues public plea after journalist injured covering union blockade

(PINA/IFEX) – On 26 August 1999, Réseau France-Outremer (RFO) New Caledonia editor-in-chief Francis Orny urged all business, trade union and political leaders in the French Pacific territory to “keep their troops under control” after an RFO cameraperson was injured during a confrontation between unionists and members of the public. RFO-television cameraperson Philippe Grenier was hit […]

Link to: French Polynesian president ends restrictions on journalists

French Polynesian president ends restrictions on journalists

(PINA/IFEX) – On 31 March 1999, French Polynesian President Gaston Flosse said he would open his news conferences to all journalists for the first time since 1994, the news magazine “Tahiti-Pacifique” reports. The April edition of “Tahiti-Pacifique” called it a major success for the pro-independence station “Radio Te Reo O Tefana” and a “quite noticeable […]

Link to: Three journalists attacked

Three journalists attacked

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF is expressing concern further to the attack of three journalists from the television station Télé Bocal. According to RSF’s information, on 24 January 1999, Anne Mazauric, Bastien Mehl and Julien Teruel, reporters and cameramen with the television station Télé Bocal (local station broadcast in Paris’ twentieth district), were attacked while filming a […]